Vladimir Nabokov

Dieter E. Zimmer Obituaries and Tributes from Germany

By dana_dragunoiu, 3 July, 2020

Dear Nabokovians:

As you may have suspected, a number of obituaries have appeared in the German press in the wake of Dieter E. Zimmer’s death. Here are four of them, kindly sent to me by Nassim Balestrini, Sabine Baumann, Marta Arnal Gas, and Brian Boyd. If you come across others, please send them to me so I can add them to the list. You may also wish to read the obituary posted to our site three days ago by Brian Boyd. And if you wish to send your own tribute to this great titan of Nabokov studies, please send it to me for posting (dana.dragunoiu@carleton.ca).


Markus Ehrenberg, "Dieter E. Zimmer ist mit 85 Jahren gestorben," Der Tagesspiegel, 29 June 2020

Ulrich Greiner, “Immer mit der Kraft des Arguments,” Die Zeit, 2 July 2020



Paul Ingendaay, “Wer so viel weiß, muss wahrlich tief tauchen können,” Frankfürter Allgemeine Zeitung, 30 June 2020


Publizist und Literaturübersetzer Dieter E. Zimmer ist tot,” Die Zeit, 29 June 2020 (unsigned)


Wolfgang Tischer, "Der Elektrifizierer der Sprache: Dieter E. Zimmer ist tot," literaturcafe.de, 30 June 2020


Willi Winkler, “Dieter E. Zimmer gestorben,” Süddeutsche Zeitung, 20 06 28


In sorrow,

