----- Original Message -----
From: Carolyn Kunin
To: Vladimir Nabokov Forum
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 1:08 PM
Subject: Pale Fire Chronology

Dear Mr Friedman,

Thanks for sharing your PF chronology. But a few things seem to be missing  -- some of them are a bit tricky, and I'm not sure myself where (or when) they all should go:

one is John Shade's illness* that precedes (or coincides with?) Kinbote's unusual descent chez Sylvia;

another is the car crash that took the life of a mother and child on a March night (but which March? and which mother and child? or doesn't it matter?);

the birthday of Gradus (it coincides with Charles's -- this is an easy one);

the death of Carolyn Lukin Shade (very tricky);

and Sybil's retreat to Canada (another easy one);

and finally John Shade's funeral (which does not take place in the novel).

These are a few that popped out at me, and I wonder what you make of them?


* and his possible hospitalization  (but this is in my opinion only)