----- Original Message -----
From: Debra Lynne Walker
To: Vladimir Nabokov Forum
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2003 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Nabokov Bibliography (Russian). Dmitri Nabokov's comments.

Couldn't the list PLEASE retain academic standards?!

Lynne Walker
(University of Washington)

On Saturday, July 19, 2003, at 10:00 AM, D. Barton Johnson wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: Dmitri Nabokov
To: 'D. Barton Johnson'
Cc: 'Olga Voronina'
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 7:17 PM
Subject: RE: Nabokov Bibliography (Russian)

Dear Don (kindly post if you don't mind my frankness),
I am extremely surprised that you keep taking this scumbag pirate seriously -- nay, respectfully, with an "Ednote" in fat, black type to boot. I don't want to say more sinceI have not yet succeeded in downloading Mme.Chekalov's review (or the other items), but I know enough about Zver'ev to tell you it is insolence to mention him in the same breath with Boyd. And I have read enough of fork-tongued Mel'nikov to predict the tone of his contribution fairly accurately. If you can prove me wrong on those two counts, I'll be delighted. As for Stacy Schiff, she is a friend, so I shall not belabor the veracity and syntax of her Hasty Pulitzer, but I have checked the Russian translation and it compounds things by being pretty awful (you will quickly recognize the style of the translatress). In Italy, by the way, Stacy is published by Fandango, who were responsible for Pia Pera's travesty of Lolita (about which you, like most others, have probably and understandably forgotten). Why not leave these "literary critics" alone to gag in their corner on their twice-gnawed biographical bones? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy Klein [mailto:sk@starcapital.net]
Sent: vendredi, 18. juillet 2003 21:30
To: cangrande@bluewin.ch
Subject: FW: Nabokov Bibliography (Russian)

From: D. Barton Johnson [mailto:chtodel@cox.net]
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:46 PM
Subject: Nabokov Bibliography (Russian)

EDNOTE. Moscow literary critic Nikolai Melnikov reports that the famed Russian literary journal "Novyi mir" carries three substantial pieces of interest to Nabokovians:
1. Svetlana Chekalova. "'First celebrating the past, then simply cursing it...'" A detailed review comparing the Boyd and Aleksei Zver'ev' VN biographies.
2. Nikolai Mel'nikov. "A Tale about How Aleksei Matveevich quarreled with Vl adimir Vladimirovich." A thoughtful look at Aleksei Zver'ev's VN bio.
3. Sergei Kostyrko. "Nabokov -- the American Way" An extended review of the Russian translation of Stacy Schiff's VERA
All three appear in the distinguished Moscoe literary journal _NOVYI MIR_ of July 2003 and may be read on-line htp://magazines.russ.ru/novyi_mi/2003/7/.

Светлана Чекалова.   «То славя прошлое, то запросто ругая...».
Николай Мельников.   Повесть о том, как Алексей Матвеевич поссорился с Владимиром Владимировичем.
Сергей Костырко.   Набоков по-американски.