----- Original Message -----
From: Jansy Berndt de Souza Mello
To: D. Barton Johnson
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 3:14 PM
Subject: combray/Proust...Cora Day?

Hello, Don
    Finally someone associated Cora Day and Combray, so it seems that my faulty remembrance was not as amiss as Iīd originally feared, although it still seems to lead nowhere.      Iīd been perusing Proust and a lovely illustrated  book about " Proustīs Dinner Table" to try to establish any real connection with Ada or Pale Fire when my eyes alighted on Nabokovīs own lecture on Le Recherche, with detailed descriptions of Combray and even a map that he drew  of the invented city. He describes the process of involuntary memory ( also memorably studied by Samuel Beckett ) leading to epiphanies and some sort of "time travel"; the narratorīs synesthesia ( "  Marcel saw sounds in color" ); Proustīs stylistic use of metaphors in various levels, etc.
    Nabokov also wrote: " It is not [ In Search of Lost Time] a mirror of manners, not an autobiography, not a historical account.  It is poure fantasy on Proustīs part, just as Anna Karenin is a fantasy, just as Kafkaīs " The Metamorphosis" is a fantasy - just as Cornell University will be a fantasy if I ever happen to write about it some day in retrospect"   ( Lectures on Literature ).
    I know everyone can check this directly on their copy of these Lectures, but Iīm adding the map of Combray anyway - just in case you think it worthwhile to forward it to Nabokov-L.
    Best wishes, Jansy