----- Original Message -----
From: Carolyn Kunin
To: Vladimir Nabokov Forum
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 9:29 AM
Subject: FW: Cora Day and the color of hope

To the List,

I can't recall where in Nabokov's work he (or one of his characters?) castigates a student who sees symbolism in the green leaves of trees because "green is the color of hope." (Pale Fire?)

"Green is the color of hope" turns out to be a quote from an impromptu speech given by Camille Desmoulins, from the top of a cafe table at the Palais Royale in the days leading up to the storming of the Bastille. This speech is generally believed to be the spark that ignited the revolution:

« Quelle couleur voulez-vous arborer pour la cocarde ; souhaitez-vous le vert, couleur d¹espérance, ou le bleu, couleur de l¹Amérique régénérée et de la démocratie ? » Mille voix s¹élèvent : « Nous voulons le vert, couleur de l¹espérance ! »

Or as I found it in "Charlotte Corday and some Men of the Revolutionary Torment" (New York, 1929):

"... this [crowd] was presently tearing the leaves from the trees, because
"green is the color of hope."

The denuded trees by the way were chestnuts. Does anyone recognize the Nabokov reference?
