----- Original Message -----
From: Carolyn Kunin
To: Vladimir Nabokov Forum
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 1:06 PM
Subject: green is the color of ?

To the List,

Jansy Mello has discovered the Pale Fire reference to the symbolism of the color green:

John Shade (PF) declares that he cannot forgive his students for: "not having read the required book. Having read it like an idiot.  Looking in it for symbols; example: The author uses the striking image green leaves because green is the symbol of happiness and frustration".
( quoted by Brian Boyd in his annotations to Ada,1999)

In another place * VN quotes  the Desmoulins line more closely:

The  notion  of symbol itself has always been abhorrent to me, and I never tire
of  retelling  how I once failed a student-- the dupe, alas, of an earlier teacher-- for writing  that  Jane  Austen  describes leaves  as "green" because Fanny is hopeful, and "green" is the color  of  hope.  

    *Volume 17, Number 5 · October 7, 1971
Rowe's Symbols
By Vladimir Nabokov

Nabokov's Deceptive World
by William Woodin Rowe
New York University Press, 193 pp., $8.00

Impossible to say if this was an intentional quote, or just something VN had read and retained. If we ever find Cora Day and the color green  in closer proximity, we may know.
