EDNote: The question really seems to refer to the relevant page in Boswell's Life of Samuel Johnson.  I do not have that work at hand, but the following web site of excerpts includes the appropriate passage, cited as coming from among pages 1203-1219 of R.W. Chapman's 1904 Oxford edition (quotation #62).  Quotation 65 may be the passage referred to by Candi Deschamps.  But we await a more detailed and accurate report from any intrepid contributor.

From: jansymello
To: Vladimir Nabokov Forum
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: [NABOKV-L] Hodge

Hello, Candi
I have two editions of Pale Fire ( The Library of America and Everyman´s Library) but I could not find the interesting Kinbotian comment in them. You wrote "on the very same page as the Hodge quotation, you´ll find Boswell lamenting...". In what edition did it appear?

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