Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Artists Role

"A work of art has no importance whatever to society. It is only important to the individual."

~Vladimir Nabokov~

Is Nabokov right? Is Art only important to me and in fact serves no useful purpose? This question has been debated by many philosophers and intellectuals since the beginning of time.

Exactly who is an artist and what is the role of art in society if any?
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If this is indeed the portrait of a true artist today one might conclude that Nabokov isn't too far off the mark. After all these artists are creating nothing more that filler for a media and gossip hungry society.

Art started off as something more than that. In the not so distant past Art contained spiritual, political and social messages. These messages in fact were so dangerous that many artists were imprisoned, forced into exile or killed. These incidents were not limited to any one nation, but examples can be found globally. Art has had an important role to play in the past.
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Artists from all backgrounds, styles, -isms and beliefs must continue to push the limits and create work that serves some sort of purpose. Art about nothing does nothing more than reinforce what our society does so well: standby and say nothing about the world that surrounds us.

Innovation and courage is key.
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