Hello all,
Sandy Drescher said that I could share his wonderful contribution with the List.  I hope others will come up with their own ideas for an imaginary edition of RLSK!
:) SES
> The "artist's edition" of RLSK might be projected sequentially onto
> the planes of a tessaract, the text scrolling on each plane at a rate
> consonant with the reader's eye scanning.   Perhaps the text might
> best be in reverse, read by reflection through a mirror:
> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/55/8-cell-simple.gif
> Best wishes,
> Alexander [Sandy] Drescher

Imagine creating a limited-edition artist’s book of The Real Life of Sebastian Knight.  Your proposed book should incorporate the text of Nabokov’s novel and convey its meaning through the book’s own visual, spatial, or conceptual form.  What would such a book look like?  How would one read it?  This is only a proposal, so you’re not limited by your resources or technical skills.  Just describe your book in a brief paragraph.

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