JM: HH is also warning the reader about his use of similar tactics in his confessions, by hiding them in anagrams, puns and allusions ( just like this one he made to Joyce's "Angels and Devils"), to engage us in a paper-chase, like his own after Quilty and Lo...
Scott  Houldin:  Perhaps the apparent 'sloppiness' is merely evidence that a proper gloss of the reference has not yet been achieved.  I think the key to this phrase lies in what has been omitted.  crucially, the subject of the biography has not been revealed.  we are asssuming that Quilty's is the life in question...
A. Stadlen:...what sort of "confidentiality" is Ray honouring here? Anyone could work out who Darkbloom and Quilty were -- if they existed -- from what Ray writes...
Jerry Friedman: Quilty's real name might begin with Q would make his identity and Vivian Darkbloom's easy for a reader to find from the title /My Cue/.  This may not be a flaw; it may be as comic as Kinbote's giving away names that Shade had disguised.
JM: Cue means a hint, a clue, or a Q. Nevertheless for theatrical perfomances it simply refers to the moment a character steps in, after a set of specified words. Vivian Darkbloom's cue may signal the disguised author's, albeit a fictional Nabokov, entrance in scene - perhaps both as his anagrammatic Vivian but also as Quilty, who gives space for a real poet amid the other characters in The Enchanted Hunters. Probably the poet doesn't have to hunt or chase the wind. It is only necessary that he is there.    
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