JM:I wonder, though, if Nabokov's Russian original, at the time when he still showed an adherence to Orthodox Christian (and mystical) beliefs, significantly differs from the English text - translated and with an explanatory foreword prepared thirty-three years later! 

Sergey Sakoun: The novel "Защита Лужина" (“Luzhin defense”) was translated into English very exact, (I made a list of all differences between original and translate) except Russian words and terms not familiar to English readers, and some idioms: "Being born in this world is hardly to be borne," instead of “Это ложь, что в театре нет лож” (This is a lie that in theatre has no boxes), 'rented with a long view but at short notice' instead of "квартиру на барскую ногу, снятую на скорую руку" (flat on a landlord’s foot, rented on a fast hand).   

On contrary for example such novels as “King Queen Knave” or “Laughter in the Dark”, that was translated into English very markedly differ from original and welcome of the reverse translation on Russian. (But no sense to translate “The Defense” back into Russian) 

This is another argument that allegory-chess pattern of the novel, based on interrelationship of details, and was carefully (word for word) kept in English text.

  And a little (but important) quotation to my vision of the novel pattern, missing in previous post:

“The secret for which he strove was simplicity, harmonious simplicity, which can amaze one far more than the most intricate magic”.

Best regards,


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