This message was originally submitted by jmm80625@MAIL.UCF.EDU to the NABOKV-L
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The MLA site ( does have some info on this, which can be found at(The link may have to be copied to notepad and copied from there to the browser in order for it to work -- the reference can also be found by going to > MLA STYLE > Frequently Asked Questions About MLA Style > HOW DO I DOCUMENT SOURCES FROM THE WORLD WIDE WEB IN MY WORKS-CITED LIST?)
The page also has a sample citation from a discussion list.
>>> 01/10/01 17:15 PM >>>
EDITOR's NOTE. See below.----------
From: naiman@socrates.Berkeley.EDUI'm trying to put the finishing touches on an article on Pnin and
realize I don't know how to refer to Nabokv-L. What is it? "An
electronic server"? I'm also wondering if you recall any discussions on
how to cite Nabokv-L (and other beasts in its species).
EDITOR: I think the newest MLA Handbook has guidelines for this. Maybe
someone has the answer at her fingertips. The list's name is "The Nabokov
Electronic Discussion Forum". I see that Brian Boyd's recent PALE FIRE book
cites the list in the format "Nabokv-L (, 10
December 1997.