Dear Anita...many thanks fir the item.I wouldn't be
surprised if VN had rean some of TR's nature stuff--although I've never
seen any reference to it. TR was certainly the sort of
gentleman-adventurer-explorer that VN would have admired.
What's happening with you now?
Best, Don
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 10:42
Subject: NABOKV-L
Dear Don,
Sorry for disturbing you unnecessarily, but I
cannot figure out how to
make a submission to the NABOKV-L.
Unfortunately, I have lost the
message in which you describe how we should
do it.
I wanted to submit the following message:
on the "National Book Forum," Edmund Morris compared Theodore
style of writing, particularly in his books about hunting, to
pointing out that both of them had an extraordinary ability
to see details
precisely and acutely.
Thank you, Don.
With best wishes,
Anita Kondoyanidi.
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