----- Original Message -----
From: Jansy Berndt de Souza Mello
To: naBOKV-L@listserv.ucsb.edu
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 3:25 AM
Subject: Nabokov Sighting

Hello, Don]    once again I discovered a reference to Nabokov in this month´s issue of Brazilian magazine " Bravo!" in an article written by Fernando Monteiro with " Escandalo" ( Scandal) for title.  It discusses the difference between erotic and ponographic works in the occidental literary tradition.  Suggested readings are: Georges Bataille, " O Erotismo" and " História do Olho", Henry Miller in " Trópico de Câncer" and " Trópico de Capricórnio" and Vladimir Nabokov´s "Lolita".
The text comments on the work of editors such as Jack Kahane, Jean-Jacques Pauvert, Alexander Trocchi and Maurice Girodias ( son of Kahane ) founder of Olympia Press. A listing is offered with the names of its  more famous authors following the tradition of Sade and Restif La Bretonne, such as Henry Miller, Jean Genet, Bataille and Nabokov.  According to F. Monteiro, Maurice Girodias declared that " only one book really made him earn a lot of money, an this book was Lolita "  which reached him thru the literary agent Doussia Ergaz in 1955. 
I couldn´t reach this particular article at the online issue of Bravo! but the magazine can be accessed at www.bravonline.com.br  ( feb.2004. ano 7 )