----- Original Message -----
From: Sergey Karpukhin
To: Vladimir Nabokov Forum
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 1:33 AM
Subject: Dale Peck, Nabokov, Joyce

I'm sorry to bring too much of Joyce to this list, but this is so good I simply can't help it. Dale Peck talking about Nabokov's later works or about Ulysses (by the way, next Wednesday is the centenary of the Bloomsday) is pretty boringly courteous if compared with this kind of criticism on Amazon.com:
"Joyce is blind in one eye because he read Ulysses and
then the eye hung itself," writes nebber1214. "I'm contemplating traveling
back in time and murdering James Joyce, in the face...For Ulysses to be any
worse of a book, it would have to break into your house and defecate on your
Ulysses was worth writing even if only to generate that sort of eloquence.