EDNOTE. Carolyn Kunin has found some photos of an
number done by the Lawrence Welk troup that resemble the Van's Mascodagama act.
The parallel is not exact since there is no tango and the male plays the female
role--but it gives the general idea, If anyone can find out what such an act is
called in showbiz talk, please let NABOKV-L know. Is there a discussion forum
that deals in showbiz acts?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 8:59 AM
Subject: J-1 March - Editorīs query on Mascodagama
Dear Don,
Carolyn Kunin sent me an address for a special
"mascodagama act" and I visited the place and got two pictures from it.
Since I havenīt received any posting on this subject, I send you the
illustration, but I no longar have with me the reference or the
address. C.Kunin could provide it again, I imagine.
Tue illustrations are good!