-------- Original Message --------
There has been some understandable and almost comically persistent
confusion about my whimsical and unintentionally ambiguous question
in the email below. I did not doubt that Waugh made the outrageous
but troubling (or so I found) remark. I was raising the question, or
trying to raise the question, whether there might be some truth to
it. (The original subject heading was "Dubious speculation"--not "re
Waugh".) Perhaps I should have taken the query instead to a Freudian
email list; or to an educated barfly list.
>>Subject: Curious speculation
>>Charles wrote: "....I once saw Evelyn Waugh remark in an
interview that
>>James Joyce spent his life slowly going completely mad, and
that you can
>>see this quite clearly in his writing; ie Finnegans Wake is the
work of
>>a madman, nearing his end."
>>Could this be true??
>>Walter Miale