Many many thanks to all who provided info regarding the roots of Lukashevich. I was interested in this question because Lukashevich is the one name that doesn't appear in Nabokov's source for this and other information on family names in PF. That source, by the way, is Sabine Baring-Gould's Family Names and Their Stories (1910). Baring-Gould's entry for the name "Luke" says "Luke: whence come Lukis, Lukin, Luxon, Lukitt, Locock." (You can read more about this source in my article in the next Nabokovian.) I have said before that I think VN included Locock in his list as a nod to C.D. Locock, a fellow literary man and chess-problem composer. But I think his next comment about the ways names may diverge from the pebble of a common Christian name (sorry, I don't have it in front of me just now) should make us ask how the other names he gives us (Lukin, Luxon, Lukashevich) differ from each other. So I was in
terested to know why VN included Lukashevich (beyond it adding a Russian touch) and what Lukashevich might mean at the root.
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