Posted by Words At Large Admin on September 08 at 12:00 AM
Fiction writer Aleksandar Hemon is fascinated by spies and the notion of leading a double life. Perhaps that’s partly because in a sense he’s had to reinvent himself.
At 28, Hemon found himself stranded as a tourist in Chicago when his hometown of Sarajevo came under siege in 1992. Determined to continue his profession as a writer, Hemon taught himself English within three years of living in America; he published his first story in his adopted tongue in 1995. His writing has since prompted comparisons with Vladimir Nabokov, to which Hemon has said: “If Nabokov managed to make love with the English language, I’m happy with heavy petting.”
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First aired September 7, 2008 on Writers & Company. [runs 52:25]
Writers & Company airs on Thursdays at 11:00 p.m. (11:30 in Newfoundland) and on Sunday afternoons (times vary across the country). You can also listen to the show as a podcast.