On Mar 5, 2009, at 12:28 PM, Nabokv-L wrote:
Further, I wonder how VN’s complex diagrams of the three personalities involved in J&H tie in with the Shade-Kinbote “split-personality” theory. S K-B
Dear Stan,
I'm glad we are speaking to each other - - much nicer. Thank you for reminding me about the lecture on Bleak House - - I should have known that Nabokov would have the good sense to admire Dickens, who has been in declining favor with academics for fifty years or more.
I'm not too sure that I understand what you mean about three personalities - - in Jekyll and Hyde there are only two. I think in his lecture Nabokov was showing that the two personalities Jekyll and Hyde share some areas in what? Jekyll's brain perhaps? But surely there are only two personalities?
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