Dear List,
May Kinbote's attribution, to Shade, of a favorable
opinion towards Rousseau's "le bon sauvage," [namely, Kinbote: What we term Original Sin can never grow obsolete./
Shade: ...Personally, I am with the old snuff-takers: L’homme est né
bon] be extended to encompass VN's opinion about Romantic and
Classic writers? *. VN once said that his views are
similar to Shade's. Consequently Shade, a classics-lover like Pushkin,
would he be siding with the Romantics? **
We know, from Shade's own words, that Rabelais is an important
reference and, like Rousseau, he values folkloric contributions
to art, something VN openly deplored in his commentary to the "Slovo" : “lucid work of one man, not the random thrum of a people [or] the
gradual accretion of lumpy parts which is so typical of folklore" (
Foreword by VN,"The Song of Igor's Campaign", Ardis, p.11).
What would VN have been trying to suggest when he had Kinbote oppose
Shade's "l'homme est né bon"? *** Was he adding elements to
his invented characters, was he expressing different religious ideas, was
he indirectly elaborating on Classic and Romantic art?
* In EO, we can read from Nabokov's commentary: "We should not forget that "pure French classicists," such as
Corneille, Racine and Molière, were among Pushkin's favorite
writers..."(p.36, Six XXIII). And yet, from Pushkin's rough-draft for
"Boris Godunov" we read a rather ambiguous assessment of
Corneille: "Les vrais génies de la tragédie ne se sont jamais souciés
d'une autre vraisemblance que celle des caractères et des situations. Voyez
comme Corneille a bravement mené le Cid: ha, vous voulez la règle de 24 heures?
Soit. Et là-desus il vous entasse des événements pour 4 mois. Rien de plus
ridicule que les petits changements des règles reçues."
In Nabokov's
reference to Corneille's "El Cid" in "Lolita" I found:
"As expected, poor Poet stumbled in Scene III when arriving at the
bit of French nonsense. Remember? Ne manque pas de dire à ton amant, Chimène,
comme le lac est beau car il faut qu'il t'y mène. Lucky beau! Qu'il t'y — What a
tongue-twister! Well, be good, Lollikins. Best love from your Poet, and best
regards to the Governor. Your Mona [...] I looked up from the letter and was
about to — There was no Lo to behold."
( In Appel's notes (page 415
ref. 223/1):"an allusion to Quilty and a parody of the classical alexandrine
verses of seventeenthh-century France, specifically of Le Cid (1636), by Pierre
Corneille: "Do not fail to tell your suitor, Chimène, how beautiful the lake is,
because he should take you there." Chimène is from Le Cid, but the line
itself is invented.")
Would young fashionable letter-writer Mona be able to read and
interpret "French nonsense"?
** And yet, for Pushkin, Rousseau should be placed among the
"classics". To avoid extensive quotes in a posting, thanks to A.Bouazza's
expert indication, I refer those who are interested in this item, to Nabokov's
commentaries in EO (2/ 32-37) where we find (2/36) a translation of Pushkin's
paragraphs "On Poetry Classical and Romantic"(1825) - which I only have in
Portuguese translated from "Works" (Moscou, Khudójestvennaia Literatura,
*** In CK's philosophical dialogue, Shade remains optimistic in
his anthropomorphic mysticism ( "Life is a great surprise. I
do not see why death should not be an even greater
one."). Kinbote disagrees while, at the same time, like Shade,
he expresses his belief in an "individual hereafter" - and this takes out
the edge of their dissension.