J. Bowen:[...]In my humble suggestion that there might
be some correlation between the name "Humbert Humbert" and the revered explorer
and alleged pederast Alexander von Humboldt, I was only inquiring as to whether
the similarity of the two names had been noted before or thought to have
influenced the choice of a rather unusual name for the main character of a novel
[...] I did not intend to suggest that García Márquez had an unfavourable
view of the explorer [...]No doubt Nabokov would have been more than familiar
with the famous explorer[ ...], he would have known of the explorer's rumoured
indiscretions. It is only the author's tendency to weave sly indicators of the
world outside his novels that leads me to so speculate such. It is but a
trifling thought among many, and no one need get too worked up."
JM: I was surprised by finding myself
actually "worked up" by J.B's "trifiling thought among many." I'm not
particularly fond of stories about explorers in the jungle, parrots, heroic
generals, nor am I too interested concerning the personal opinion held by
various famous writers. So why was I touched by a query - as it has
been formulated?
For example, in JB's reply today I find the lines: "it is
only the author's tendency to weave sly indicators ..." and one may
argue that "sly" is not directed to Nabokov, but restricted
to the appended word, "indicators". Trifling thoughts may provoke
further ideas, but they can also have a disrupting effect, as if literature were
equally "trifling", as if there were no responsible voices to
stand behind an authorial whim, as if art
encompassed "trifling" alusions that, as I feel it, end up by
diminishing art. Kinbote, to mention one of VN's exuberant pederasts,
is a complex creation with funny attributes related to his indiference
to women, but it also functions, in part, as a parody ( never a mockery) of
something ampler than Kinbote's sexual orientation or delusions. In
VN's "Strong Opinions" we find many dismissive, sometimes
unfair, observations about other writers ( Pound, Faulkner,
Hemmingway, Mann) but, as I see it, he was never disrespectful, or
"trifling" towards an individual's quirks or private misdemeanors. I hope I
haven't been unfair in my
emotional response to J.Bowen's explorations and
misconstrued his original instigation, should this be the case I must offer
him my sincerest appologies.
All private editorial communications, without
exception, are
read by both co-editors.