Sergey Slavnov sslavnov@YANDEX.RU: Dear experts on
Nabokov,I ask for clarification on the subject "who killed Shade in Pale fire".
I have my own arguments, but would prefer to know experts' opinion.
JM: I'm no expert, but I can offer you a few clues. To
begin with, there seems to have been a real murderer intent on
killing Judge Golsdworth (whose resemblance to Shade has been
annotated). Kinbote, of course, had another interpretation to give.
I've just gain access to The New Yorker 1944 issue with Kenneth Fearing's
poem about Sherlock Holmes and clues left in the snow. Unfortunately I
cannot reproduce it here (but I also read, thru Google, that its copy-rights
have not been renewed) but it begins with a paraphrased: "a crime, if
there was a crime... a conspiracy, if there was one". So, the first
thing would be to establish if John Shade was actually killed ( about
this theme, check the List for Carolyn Kunin's theories, or M.Roth's notes in
The Nabokovian).
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exception, are
read by both co-editors.