"it is always interesting to know what an author was working on in the final stage of their creative journey"
That's exactly my interest in the matter. So where was our beloved VN going, mentally, with this planned book?
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 12:47:03 -0500
From: spklein52@HOTMAIL.COM
Subject: [NABOKV-L] Nabokov's last novel presented ...
Complete article at below URL:
Arts & entertainment news 8-14 December
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Nabokov's last novel presented
Vladimir Nabokov's last novel "The Original of Laura" - released in Russian as "Laura and Her Original" by the publishing house Azbuka - was presented in St. Petersburg's Nabokov museum last week, Gazeta.ru reported. The museum's director, Tatyana Ponomaryova, said the publication of the unfinished novel was an important event, as "it is always interesting to know what an author was working on in the final stage of their creative journey". The novel appeared in English earlier this year. Reportedly, Nabokov, who died in 1977, didn't want the unfinished manuscript to be published and asked his wife, Vera, to burn it, but she didn't comply with his wish.
Vladimir Kozlov
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