Stan K-B: ...My opinions on VN/Shade-as-poet have been somewhat
swanged (Carrollian blend of sway/change) during the recent exchanges... One
might wildly surmise some future Pope seeking revenge on Shade/VN by
“correcting” the excessively-bad bits of the
JM: Swanged opinions? No
Froonerisms, then ( according to Nabokov, this is "a combination of a Freudian lapsus lingui and a
spoonerism") and Nabokov's ghost is now too busy
to stop any future Pope: I just read that the
aforesaid ghost has been arguing for another public figure, the
American President Obama*.
My searches led me to "Estranhões e
Bizarrocos," ( Bigzarre
barroques?), while innocently investigating TOoL's reference
to a "club tailed butterfly," unhappily metamorphosed into a dragonfly
in the Brazilian translation. I'd been looking
for images and optional designations for it ( any help from our
List's lepidopterologists?), when I found a charming
little story for children about young Vladimir waving a
butterfly net when a talkative butterfly (she collected collectors)
told him how Buddha had created butterflies to bring joy to the wind
and not to a young boy's net...The author of this
story is José Eduardo Agualusa,an Angolan writer, winner of important
international prizes and an admirer of Nabokov.**
But the club
tailed specimen still evaded me. In the net, only the writer's name,
José Eduardo Agualusa.