JM [to Matt's " Who knows? At
what point should we stop imagining possibilities?"].I'm all in favor of irradiating
words, endless imaginative possibilities...Could a. good soul help me to find "rain-sparkling crystograms" in Russian
JM (monologue?) I only found one
indication about "rain-sparkling crystograms" ( I'd been informed this image
is recurrently used by Nabokov! Is it a mistaken lead?).
From Nabokov's preface to "The Eye": "A serious psychologist, on the other hand, may distinguish through
my rain-sparkling crystograms a world of soul dissolution where poor Smurov only
exists as he is reflected in other brains, which in their turn are placed in the
same strange, specular predicament as his."
A writer and a reader in fact inhabit a world of mutually
reflecting surfaces, unstable like colored glass-shards in a caleidoscope
or fixed by a shared point of reference or a metaphor. I hope to learn
what words Nabokov has employed for this conception in Russian, one which
he might have left behind him or transformed into Shade's plexed web.
Such a lot depends on how we understand the meaning of what's
a "metaphor." Some consider it as being synonimous to "simile" ( and heaven
knows often analogies are used in poetical equations and correlations). I
have the impression that Matt values the metaphorical promise that lies in
etymology and in a word's ever-expanded meanings (even if not applying the
theory about words as 'signifiers').
Sometimes I set my heart on Nabokov's intention of having a
metaphor create a third, ineffable, meaning which is only possible if it
flies independently of the its two sustaining images, as in Emily Dickinson's
I'm almost sure Nabokov has read Samuel Beckett's
fascinating study of "Proust," where metaphors suceed each other like the
iridal foam crowning the waves (very unfashionable Kitsch to
modern ears!).
* - Faith -- is the Pierless Bridge/ Supporting what We see/
Unto the Scene that We do not --/ Too slender for the eye//It bears the Soul as
bold/As it were rocked in Steel/With Arms of Steel at either side