Victor Fet
addresses..."everybody in -L" to inquire if "A word" is a "world"
with an L (logos? Log?) removed./Could THIS be Ada's L Disaster?"
JM: Your question and
conjecture made my spine tingle. There's an elegant concision in it,
also because it is faithful to several affirmations made
by Nabokov (for eg. "we don't think with words"). A symbol can only
arise from the absence, or suppression, of what is symbolized...
However, I'm not sure that such a conviction would gain
expression, in Ada, as the "L Disaster," perhaps because it only deals
with words in English (words/worlds). Is there anything equivalent to "L" in Ada
that depends on a play with "mir" (besides his link to an artist's
'mirage')? After following Alexey's explorations of the "Russian Ada", somehow I
began to feel that, in this novel, America and Russia are really
All private editorial communications, without
exception, are
read by both co-editors.