So what's different between Benu and the San Francisco trailblazers of yore, like, oh, Lee's former workplace, The French Laundry? (Other than the food, of course.) Tablecloths! In a great interview with Kauffman, Lee says people complain about their absence, as well as the lack of flowers: "It's a simple and austere restaurant. Some people can't get past that it doesn't have certain amenities."
Also: Michelin stars. Benu just opened in August so it was not rated in the 2011 Michelin Guide. The French Laundry kept its three stars.
· Corey Lee’s Haute Cuisine at Benu is Almost Flawless [SF Weekly]
· Interview with Benu's Corey Lee [SF Weekly]
· All Corey Lee Coverage on Eater [-E-]
Corey Lee at Benu. [Photo: Eater SF Flickr Pool/Darin Dines]
Also: Michelin stars. Benu just opened in August so it was not rated in the 2011 Michelin Guide. The French Laundry kept its three stars.
· Corey Lee’s Haute Cuisine at Benu is Almost Flawless [SF Weekly]
· Interview with Benu's Corey Lee [SF Weekly]
· All Corey Lee Coverage on Eater [-E-]
Corey Lee at Benu. [Photo: Eater SF Flickr Pool/Darin Dines]