Stan LIOB:..."Jansy’s analysis of Ramsdale relies on
over-literal readings (ram -> animal -> rape), confirming my conviction
that VN’s wordplay is a trivial and often misleading diversion, diluting his
true, inimitable genius...Can you see how word-misplay, merely matching surface
letters, such as r-a-m, can lead one astray?"
JM: Don't blame Nabokov for the conjecture I ventured in relation to
his choice for "Ramsdale". In many other instances I can agree with
your accessment, despite S.Karlinski's observations about Russian
punning, countering E. Wilson's criticism. However jokes and puns seldom if
ever rely on established etymologies. I was happier when musing about
Isaiah's "the crooked made straight and the rough places plain," by
Kinbote to Shade's "web of sense." and the changes popular sayings
suffer when they travel from one culture to