Samuel, Thank you so very much for sharing your personal memories. They mean a lot to anyone who feels connected with the Nabokovs. F Assa
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 13:03:07 -0500
From: sschuman@UNCA.EDU
Subject: [NABOKV-L] Dmitri
One of the high points of my life as a Nabokovian was spending several days at the Montreux Palace Hotel, working in the VN Archives closet, while Dmitri worked next door. Dmitri and Vera were both gracious hosts, generous with their time and assistance. Dmitri took me to his apartment, up in the hills away from the lake and showed me his electric train set...and his father's copy (Oxford ed.) of Shakespeare. He was kind and helpful; his driving terrified me. They are passing, posthaste, posthaste, the gliding years.
Dr. Samuel Schuman
All private editorial communications are
read by both co-editors.