Especially for people who knew her personally, I’m sorry to report that Phyllis A. Roth, professor emerita and former dean of the faculty at Skidmore College, died of pancreatic cancer on March 25, 2012, in
upstate New York. Phyllis will be remembered as the editor of
Critical Essays on Vladimir Nabokov (Boston: G. K. Hall,
1984) and the author of, among other articles, “Toward the Man Behind the Mystification,” published in
Nabokov’s Fifth Arc, eds. J. E. Rivers and Charles Nicol.
Phyllis was my colleague for 25 years, a dear friend for over 36 years. Preparatory to a scheduled memorial service in her honor, to be held on the Skidmore College campus in May, I’d appreciate hearing from
other Nabokovians who might care to comment on any aspect of her scholarship or participation in the launching of the Nabokov Society.
Ralph A Ciancio
Professor Emeritus of English
Skidmore College, North Broadway,
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Telephone: 518/584-9264