Jansy Mello: a PS to the commentary on The Vane
Sister's “ 'prophetic' emphasis on icicles, umber, shades, ghosts ( I'm
clearly refering to "Pale Fire"). Already in the first paragraphs we read:
" I had stopped to watch a family of
brilliant icicles drip-dripping from the eaves of a frame house. So clear-cut
were their pointed shadows on the white boards behind them that I was sure the
shadows of the falling drops should be visible too. But they were not...I walked
on in a state of raw awareness that seemed to transform the whole of my being
into one big eyeball rolling in the world's socket."
A second PS: Checking through Brian Boyd's Nabokov's Pale
Fire The Magic of Artistic Discovery, I came across two instances in
which he connects The Vane Sisters to Pale Fire. The
first one I found is on page 281 of the 2001 paperback edition. Brian
Boyd writes: "The combination of a statement explicitly affirming the
impenetrability of life's relation to death and coverly indicating someone's
susrvival after death recalls the ending of "The Vane Sisters" (see pp.212-15)
Shade does not know what Hazel recorder, but even if he had, of course, he could
not have deciphered it until his own death belatedly clarifies the
message." On page 285, we read: " As an additional pointer, Kinbote's
'eavesdrop' addition to the Webster's definition of stillicide calls up
a seemingly irrelevant 'stalactite'; the narrator of "The Vane Sisters" refers
to the icicles as 'transparent stalactites.' (Stories, 615).
In another note BB adds: "In Ada, too, where a pattern of letters
connects dead Lucette with live Van and Ada. Van's 'It's one of the Vane
sisters' in a dream proves a valuable pointer to another anagrammatic scrambling
that seems indicative of Lucette's continuing influence. See Boyd,
Nabokov's Ada, 227."
There are further quotes which I'll bring up in
connection to the scrambled words in the Barn Episode. In a former message
I copied those used in PF's original and the one from a French
ata lane pad not ogo old wart alan ther tale feur far rant lant tal told
line 347 PF
perpira perpa alleral gelgal vortvirt pal feur farrant".
(CK, line 347 PF French R.Girard &Maurice E.
It's also worthwhile to compare what words
C.Kinbote selected from them, both in English and in French. I checked the
German translation, too, and Hazel's jottings are unaltered in connection to the
In French: "aller - gel - or - arrant " and
in English and in German "war talant her arrant"
Jansy Mello
All private editorial communications are
read by both co-editors.