-------- Original Message --------
This is to announce the publication in the United States of
Nabokov's Tragedy of Mister Morn, in the new translation
which Anastasia Tolstoy and I wrote together.
Morn, which as Nabokovians will now was Nabokov's first major work,
is a remarkable Shakespearean verse play, full
of brilliant images and characters, and his most direct engagement
with the Revolution. It looks forward to Pale Fire
in particular, and shows how much Nabokov learned from Shakespeare.
The translation was published by Penguin last year, but the new
volume just published by Knopf is a particular fine-looking
hard-bound object with abstract illustrations.
It's just had a good review in the New York Times by
Michiko Kakutani -
Dr Thomas Karshan
Lecturer in Literature
University of East Anglia