Would I despise her [Lyuba Savich] for having an album with reviews of my books
pasted in--Morozov's and Yablokov's lovely essays as well as the trash of such
hacks as Boris Nyet, and Boyarski? (2.2)
While Morozov & Boyarski bring to mind Boyarynya
Morozova (sister-in-law of tsar Alexey Mikhailovich's tutor and brother-in-law
Boris Morozov, a penitent of Archpriest Avvakum), Morozov &
Yablokov seem to hint at R. Frost and A. Appel (moroz means
"frost" and yabloko, "apple").
As to Boris Nyet, Boris = orbis (Lat., circle); Ньет (Nyet) = тень
(ten', Russ., shade; shadow)
Blagovo + lake = golova + Blake
(golova - Russ., head;
Blake - William Blake, English poet, 1757-1827,
beloved by Vadim Vadimovich)
Vadim's second wife, Annette Blagovo, drowns in the
Rosedale Lake (4.2).
harlequin = hale + Quirn (Vadim's
Vadim Vadimovich's surname can be Yablonsky. In the
preparatory notes to The History of Peter (1835) Pushkin mentions
voevoda (a Polish governor of province) Yablonsky:
Племянник Станислава воевода Яблонский вёл
интриги противу Августа.
Stanislaus's nephew voevoda Yablonsky carried on
an intrigue against August. (1713)
Alexey Sklyarenko