De: Jansy Mello []
Enviada em: terça-feira, 16 de setembro de 2014 23:09
Para: 'Vladimir Nabokov Forum'
Assunto: RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] SIGHTING: Humbert the Huntsman
It’s a lot easier to obtain all sorts of information now, when using search instruments, than it was six or seven years ago. I reached this information yesterday (together with tons of various references to this Humbert):
Ok, so we start off my project paying tribute to the Disney Canon by mentioning our first forgotten/minor character from Disney’s 1937 hit, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”: Humbert the Huntsman!
Now, obviously the first thing that stands out is his name, Humbert! His name is never given in the film, but as is the case with many animated films, most characters are given names in the drawing process even if they don’t make it into the script. For example, the Beast in “Beauty and the Beast” was named Adam, the Satanic creature in “Fantasia” was referred to as Chernabog, and even the evil Queen of this film was named Queen Grimhilde!
Beth learned from Dmitri that his parents took him to watch “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” as soon as it was released in France (“the first movie he ever saw”): this detail is precious, although it doesn’t help us to ascertain how (and if) VN could have learned about the huntsman’s name in the movie. We know that VN was a thorough explorer of what struck his attention…We have hints, concerning “The Enchanter,” that its pre-humbert character was to be called Arthur. Would both names be related somehow?
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