EDNote: Thanks to Alexander Drescher (see below) for this
encouragement. The photos in the post mentioned here were sent by
Evgeny Belodubrovsky, a leading St. Petersburg bibliographer and
Nabokovian who has published several re-issues of important
Nabokoviana. This latest is the recent republication of The Ordeal
of a Diplomat, by Nabokov's uncle Konstantin Dmitrievich
Nabokov. Having served in Portsmouth, England, Washington DC,
Calcutta, and Belgium, he first published his memoir in 1921. This
book is available in English, as well, and can be viewed on-line;
for example three versions are linked here:
It appears to have been published first in Russian in 1921, and then
in English in 1929--and I can't quickly figure out in whose
translation (KD Nabokov's own?). Can anyone add more specifics?
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Perhaps I am not the only subscriber who does not read Russian and
finds these images interesting. Elucidation?
On Jan 27, 2015, at 2:57 PM, Евгений Белодубровский
<profpnin@MAIL.RU> wrote:
> фотки
All private editorial
communications are read by both co-editors.