Dear NabokvLers,
We are very pleased to announce that our new book, Fine Lines:
Vladimir Nabokov's Scientific Art, is available for purchase
at all the usual venues (at least, in North America and soon
probably in Britain and other English-speaking countries). The book
contains 148 of Nabokov's scientific drawings with detailed
explanatory captions by (mostly) Kurt, and six reproductions of VN's
inscription drawings to Véra, along with essays by several
scientists and Nabokov specialists who have written about or built
upon Nabokov's lepidoptery. The drawings are nearly all reproduced
at their full size (4x6 inches), and all are at very high
resolution. 62 of the plates are in color. Table of Contents
attached. Teaser: Robert Dirig determines the real imaginary
location of New Wye in Pale Fire.
Fine Lines is dedicated to Dieter E. Zimmer.
We hope you enjoy it as much as we have enjoyed putting it together.
Many thanks, once again, to all the contributors, and the editors
and assistants at the press.
Best regards to all,
Stephen Blackwell & Kurt Johnson