Dear List,
Fellini once took a film company to court for defamation. It had produced an English dubbed version that was an insult to the artistry of his Italian original. And I vaguely remember reading that Nabokov took up writing in English because the first English translation of Camera Obscura was so flawed.
Hugs & kisses,
On 2016-02-26 00:54, Hen Hanna wrote:
I'd appreciate help on any of these questions about VN and translation. 1. Is there an anecdote about VN checking a sample translation done by a translator, finding it poor and firing the translator? I have not found such an episode in [Vladimir Nabokov : The American Years] by Brian Boyd. 2. Are there similar anecdotes involving other authors? I just read one about Alexander Pope, but it is not quite what I've been looking for (because the translator Pope hired was cheating). 3. >>> Comparison of a back-translation with the original text is sometimes used as a check on the accuracy of the original translation <<< This makes sense in theory, but a translation would have to be really poor for a back-translation check to be useful. Was back-translation actually used by VN or someone else? Thank you. HH Search archive with Google: Contact the Editors:, Zembla: Nabokv-L policies: Nabokov Online Journal:" AdaOnline: " The Nabokov Society of Japan's Annotations to Ada: The VN Bibliography Blog: Search the archive with L-Soft: Manage subscription options :
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