Vladimir Nabokov


Nakata, Akiko is Professor of English at Nanzan University. She is a founding member of the Nabokov Society of Japan and a member of the Kyoto Reading Circle. She co-translated into Japanese and co-annotated, with Tadashi Wakashima, Transparent Things.

Gerard de Vries trained and has been employed as an economist; he wrote his dissertation (1975) about European monetary unification. He published many articles on art and literature in Dutch periodicals, but his real “violin d'Ingres” is studying Nabokov’s referential art. With D. Barton Johnson, he wrote Vladimir Nabokov and the Art of Painting (2006) and published in 2016, Silent Love: The Annotation and Interpretation of Nabokov’s The Real Life of Sebastian Knight.

Boyd, Brian Brian_Boyd

Brian Boyd (1952- ), University Distinguished Professor, English and Drama, Auckland, New Zealand, has worked on Nabokov since the early 1970s, as an annotator, archivist, bibliographer, biographer, critic, editor, and translator, and on documentary and photographic projects.

Dieter E. Zimmer (1934-2020) first wrote on Nabokov in 1959, and soon after became his most frequent translator into German. His 1963 bibliography of Nabokov, based on Véra Nabokov's material, became the basis for all subsequent Nabokov primary bibliography. He interviewed Nabokov more than once for German media. He was a journalist for Die Zeit, becoming editor of its feuilleton, and one of the leading postwar essayists in  German, focusing especially on the subjects of language, science, and technology.