Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0013415, Tue, 3 Oct 2006 08:37:12 -0800

Re: JF to CK on symmetry and Kinbote
> (Not to mention that q.v. is what the crows say.) I don't think it would be
unusual to write "which see" in a sentence and "q.v." in index entries, for
concision, but of course there might be> some other significance.

Dear Jerry

The crows around here say nothing of the sort so may I assume this is a joke
that I'm not getting?

But my point wasn't that within the Index "q.v." is used and on the title
page "which see" is used. My point was that within the Index "q.v." takes
the reader to a heading whereas "G, K, S (which see)" doesn't - - i.e. there
are no headings in the Index "G", "K", or "S."

You see?


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