Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0013518, Wed, 11 Oct 2006 08:32:59 -0800

neurosis, psychosis & hysteria
As for multiple personalities, I¹ve decide to proceed on the belief that
this is a psychotic disorder.

Dear Andrew and Jansy,

I can't see that it matters, but I was surprised to find that one of the
doctors who treated Chris Sizemore (the subject of The Three Faces of Eve)
refers to her problem as a neurosis: "Chris experienced a hysterical
neurosis, dissociative reaction, multiple personality type" to quote W.
Scott Gehman, Jr., Ph. D. from his foreword to the book I am Eve by C. C.
Sizemore (1976).

Another reference to hysteria may (?) help regarding Freud: "Dissociate
hysterical amnesia, the blotting out of important, sometimes traumatic
experiences, is a pre-condition of both fugue states and multiple

Perhaps Shade would then be classified as neurotic and Kinbote as psychotic?


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