Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0012526, Thu, 6 Apr 2006 09:41:31 -0400

Dmitri Nabokov on abuse of "literally"
I was the translator of record of Invitation to a Beheading. As usual
with translations on which my father and I collaborated, VN had the
final say in fine-tuning of the translation and, when he felt they were
required, outright changes in the authorial text. In this case, however,
it is not only possible but probable that I am responsible for the use
of "literally." To be certain, one would have to check VN's emendations
of my typescript. I regret that I am too busy right now with more urgent
matters, so Jan Freeman is welcome to ascribe the abuse to me.

Dmitri Nabokov

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