Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0001940, Mon, 31 Mar 1997 15:30:10 -0800

Nabokov Society Panels at MLA 1997
The International Vladimir Nabokov Society, an Allied Organization of the
MLA, will sponsor two sessions at the Toronto Annual Convention. The
programs are:

"LOLITA in Context"

Presider: Ellen Pifer, Univ. of Delaware

1. "Cultural Icons in Conflict: LOLITA and Dostoevsky's "Gentle Creature"
Julian Connolly, Univ. of Virginia

2. "Bedtime Stories: Fairy Tales and Pedophiliac Fantasies in LOLITA"
Susan Elizabeth Sweeney, College of the Holy Cross

3. "'Imagine Me': The Myth of the American Road in LOLITA"
Robert Barringer, Univ. of Delaware

4. "Nabokov's LOLITA Screenplays: From Hollywood Production to Literary Text
Douglas Baldwin, Yale Univ.

"Vladimir Nabokov: Varia"

Presider: D. Barton Johnson, Univ. of California at Santa Barbara

1. "Lolita of the Limberlost: Vladimir Nabokov & Gene Stratton-Porter"
D. Barton Johnson, UCSB
2. "Possible Worlds Theory and Nabokov's Novels"
Cary Henson, Indiana University
3. "Editing Nabokov at _The New Yorker_: The Letters of Vladimir Nabokov
and William Maxwell"
Barbara Burkhardt, Univ. of Illinois, Urbab-Champaign
4. "Nabokov and Comic Art"
Gavriel Shapiro, Cornell University