Vladimir Nabokov

Numano, Mitsuyoshi. Tetsuya no Katamari: Bomei Bungakuron [A String of Sleepless Nights: Essays on Exile Literature]. 2002

Bibliographic title
Tetsuya no Katamari: Bomei Bungakuron [A String of Sleepless Nights: Essays on Exile Literature]
Publisher, city
Publication year

Akiko Nakata writes: The book is a collection of recent essays on Nabokov, Singer, Cannetti, Brotsky and others.
Five essays are on Nabokov: "Looking for Nabokov," "How Russian is Nabokov As an Author?," "When a 'Russian-speaking Demon' Meets an 'English-speaking Lover'," "Having a Row with Dear Bunny," "Toward a Re-assessment of the Great Unread Author."