Vladimir Nabokov

Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts. Aurelian i Eleonora, ili Gde Nabokov lovil svoikh babochek. 1998

Bibliographic title
Aurelian i Eleonora, ili Gde Nabokov lovil svoikh babochek
Periodical or collection
Novyi Zhurnal (The New Review)
Periodical issue
no. 123
Publication year
“Links VN's use of butterflies (and their metamorphosis) to Goethe's Faust via the Russian Symbolists, esp. V. Ivanov and the formula 'a realibus ad realiora' which VN assertedly encodes in the terms 'Aurelian & Eleonora' in the story 'The Aurelian.' Ingenious but forced." (DBJ)