Vladimir Nabokov

RE: Continuation of L-Serve discussion of VN's Aunt Preskovia

By MARYROSS, 5 March, 2025


This post is a continuation of responses to David Potter’s post on the List-Serve 03/03/25, re: Nabokov’s Aunt Preskovia (Pauline Tarkovsky), who was a psychiatrist and wrote a book on “Women Who Kill” (now available in English. Nabokov writes in SM her curious final words:  “That’s interesting. Now I understand. Everything is water, vsyo—voda.”


This makes me wonder if these remarkable words were the impetus ADA’s theme of a world technology based on water, instead of electricity.


I am not well-read in regards to ADA, having only slogged through it once. I have not come across many articles on it, and do not know what the excepted, or controversial wisdom is on the water theme, but  probably no one has suggested Jung, so here are my thoughts on the subject:


The water-based technology supplanting electricity seems metaphysical/psychological.  There is a kind of feminine/masculine association, heart/head, depth/height duality. The L[ectron] -disaster seems to have been the hubristic result of the over-intellectual scientific technology such as the atom bomb on Terra. Nabokov associates electricity with life-force and consciousness (light), like in the PF Shade poem “Electricity.”.


Psychologically, water has to do with emotions and the unconscious,i.e. the “depths.”  Except for Ada, who has a very masculine intellect, the women in ADA, Aqua and Marina, and Lucette are associated with water. Aqua's insanity is an example of too much anima – feminine emotion and intuition,; Marina is an example of a kind of “typical feminine” triteness.  Lucette, whose name suggests "light" (and therefore electricity) is taken down to the depths by her emotion (water). 


Just speculation here, but perhaps Aunt Pasha, who was clearly an intellectual, not sexual, woman had her death epiphany by a recognition of her feminine aspect.


As it happens, I just got a daily Jungian quote from a site I subscribe to, and it has to do with water and the feminine! Very interesting, and, I think, pertinent:




In addition, as I was writing “L[ectron] -disaster,” I almost wrote “L-ectra” and that lit up an idea that ADA is the ORESTEIA!  turned on its head, of course.  Nabokov suggests that it is unhappy families who are alike. Except that ADA ends as a happy story of love and long life.


The unhappy family (as noted in Ada’s opening line!), the secret parentage, the adultery, incestuous love, suicide, the brother/sister motif. It fits.

Let me know if I am going over previously worn paths. 



2 weeks 4 days ago

This has spurred me (at last) to look more into ADA. So far, I have found very little written about ADA, except for an excellent thesis by David Potter! (https://www.academia.edu/59984087/Ardor_or_Ada_Authority_Artifice_and_Ambivalence_in_Nabokov_s_Ada_or_Ardor). He connects Aunt Pasha's dying words to the water theme:


Of Ada, Nabokov said: “my purpose is to have […] metaphors breed. To form a story of their own, gradually, and then again to fall apart”. 169 In one way or another, everything flows [vse-voda] to and from Lucette and Aqua’s deaths. In a sense, Ada takes Aunt Pasha’s dying words, vsyo-voda [“everything [is] water”], 170 and develops their premise into Antiterra’s otherworldly aquatic currents. Nabokov’s symbolic linkage of water and mortality clashes, by design, with Van’s “rather dry, though serious and well-meant, essay on time”, forming “a story of their own” 171 that undermines his haughty rejection of death. Eventually sharing Aqua’s “morbid sensitivity” to water and the messages it carries, Van is able to pick up signs from Lucette from her beyond, often recording them in his memoir without even realising it (like the narrator of “The Vane Sisters”).

This is very much in line with my thoughts. Electricity is associated with masculine intellect, whereas water is associated with feminine intuition. As time goes on, Van finds himself becoming more intuitive (sensitive) like his "real," – not "birth" – mother, Aqua.



1 week 6 days ago

Circling back to ADA and Jung…


In the first post of this thread I mentioned Jung’s archetypal ideas about the feminine symbolism of water. At the time it was not my intention to assert that Nabokov was directly referencing Jung (as I have asserted in regards to PF) since I was not familiar enough with ADA, and perhaps VN  intended this differently.

However, I have just found out that it was not Freud, but Jung, who coined and developed the “Electra Complex”  as the female version of Freud’s “Oedipus Complex.” Freud did not accept Jung’s theory.

If I am correct in seeing Aeschylus’ Oresteia as the ur-family chronicle behind ADA, this is intriguing, at least. The Greek word “elektra” means “amber.” Lucette is described as having “reddish-blond hair” [36], and Van feels “the fire of Lucette’s amber runs through…” [419].  Lucette, then, through her looks, her spirit, and the first letter of her name, is associated with Elektra, electricity, and presumably, the “L”-disaster.

Further, Jung developed his theories through studying his patients in schizophrenic wards; Freud only worked with “neurotics.” Van Veen becomes a psychiatrist and studies his schizophrenic patients for his theories on time. Jung is well-known for his theories on time, and “synchronicity” - a word he coined for a-causal relationships. Aqua would have been a great patient for Jung; he was also interested in the highly sensitive subjective states of his patients, which seemed to be behind clairvoyant individuals. Like Van with Aqua, he began to see in them his own sensitivities and was remarkably psychic.

Jung developed his theory of “Individuation” (psychic wholeness) through studying alchemy as spiritual transcendence. The main process of spiritual alchemy was the combining of opposites to effect this transmutation. The alchemists referred to this as the “King & Queen,” the “Brother and Sister,” or the “Hermaphrodite.”

Pale Fire also has a motif of opposites, and spiritual search. Kinbote, however, despite going through a classic “Hero’s Journey” of “individuation,” in the end fails to come to terms with his anima, Sybil. Sybil is the archetype of the Great Mother. They constitute the “King & Queen” of PF’s alchemy.

On the other hand, ADA is the tragic “family chronicle” turned on its head (Voltemand). Incest can be love; Hell can be ardor. In the end, Van and Ada, through their long ordeal with love morph into each other –  the hermaphrodite, “Vaniada.” They have achieved the goal of individuation.


1 week 5 days ago


I have asked you before to keep your comments pertinent to the post. If you disagree with what I have posted, then please be specific. If you want to mock me personally, please do not.

i.e. Answer any of the statements below:


>Are electricity v water NOT a central theme of ADA?

>Is "elektra" NOT the etymology of "electric"?

>Does "elektra" NOT mean "amber"?

>Is amber NOT "reddish-yellow"

>Does Van Veen NOTrefer to Lucette as "amber running through" and her hair "reddish-yellow"?

>Does an electric current NOT "run through" a conductive material - e.g. nerves?

>Was Van NOT "excited" by Lucette's proximity?

>Does the "L" in "L-disaster" not mean "el-ectricity"?

>Is there NOT a trilogy by Aeschylus about Elektra and her brother, Orestes?

>Is the Oresteia NOT a tragedy and a family chronicle, and the opposite to ADA's happy ending?

>Did the psychiatrist Jung NOT coin and develop the psychological term "The Electra Complex"?

>Was Van Veen NOT a psychiatrist?

>Are Jung's theories on synchronicity NOT the same or similar to Jung's?

>Is psychology NOT a persistent motif in Nabokov's oeuvre?


If there is some other issue which is NOT personal, I would be interested in your reply.



Смеяться, право, не грешно

Над всем, что кажется смешно.

It's not a sin, really, to laugh

at everything that seems funny. 


Sorry, Mary, I simply cannot take your arguments seriously. Your un-Nabokovian (and therefore fundamentally wrong and counter-productive) approach to Pale Fire and Ada reminds me of the poet Max Mispel (the author of a review of Van's novel Letters from Terra). Also, “the conceit of explicating Nabokov without knowing Russian is tantamount to studying Van Gogh without knowing yellow, orange, and blue” (from Charles Kinbote's novel Silvery Light).


1 week 4 days ago

Agumentum ad hominem. Reductio ad absurdum. 

If you can't say something substantive, or nice, then say nothing at all.


You may find this interesting (excerpts from my latest posts):


In Nikolai Gogol (1944) VN mentions O’Neill’s Mourning Becomes Electra (1931):


A bad play is more apt to be good comedy or good tragedy than the incredibly complicated creations of such men as Shakespeare or Gogol. In this sense Molière’s stuff (for what it is worth) is “comedy” i. e. something as readily assimilated as a hot dog at a football game, something of one dimension and absolutely devoid of the huge, seething, prodigiously poetic background that makes true drama. And in the same sense O’Neill’s Mourning Becomes Electra (for what that is worth) is, I suppose, a tragedy. (2.5)


Demon to Van (Ada, Part Two, Chapter 10): 'A propos, I have not been able to alert Lucette, who is somewhere in Italy, but I’ve managed to trace Marina to Tsitsikar — flirting there with the Bishop of Belokonsk — she will arrive in the late afternoon, wearing, no doubt, pleureuses, very becoming, and we shall then travel à trois to Ladore, because I don’t think —’

Darkbloom (‘Notes to Ada’): pleureuses: widow’s weeds.


The last occasion on which Van had seen his father was at their house in the spring of 1904. Other people had been present: old Eliot, the real-estate man, two lawyers (Grombchevski and Gromwell), Dr Aix, the art expert, Rosalind Knight, Demon’s new secretary, and solemn Kithar Sween, a banker who at sixty-five had become an avant-garde author; in the course of one miraculous year he had produced The Waistline, a satire in free verse on Anglo-American feeding habits, and Cardinal Grishkin, an overtly subtle yarn extolling the Roman faith. The poem was but the twinkle in an owl’s eye; as to the novel it had already been pronounced ‘seminal’ by celebrated young critics (Norman Girsh, Louis Deer, many others) who lauded it in reverential voices pitched so high that an ordinary human ear could not make much of that treble volubility; it seemed, however, all very exciting, and after a great bang of obituary essays in 1910 (‘Kithar Sween: the man and the writer,’ ‘Sween as poet and person,’ ‘Kithar Kirman Lavehr Sween: a tentative biography’) both the satire and the romance were to be forgotten as thoroughly as that acting foreman’s control of background adjustment — or Demon’s edict.

The table talk dealt mainly with business matters. Demon had recently bought a small, perfectly round Pacific island, with a pink house on a green bluff and a sand beach like a frill (as seen from the air), and now wished to sell the precious little palazzo in East Manhattan that Van did not want. Mr Sween, a greedy practitioner with flashy rings on fat fingers, said he might buy it if some of the pictures were thrown in. The deal did not come off. (3.7)


In his poem Whispers of Immortality (1919) T. S. Eliot (the author of The Waste Land, 1922, and Sweeney Agonistes, 1932) metnions Grishkin, a nice Russian girl whose friendly bust gives promise of pneumatic bliss:


Grishkin is nice: her Russian eye

Is underlined for emphasis;

Uncorseted, her friendly bust

Gives promise of pneumatic bliss.


In a letter of July 20 (the birthday of VN's father, Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov, 1869-1922), 1958, to Edward Thornton C. G. Jung says that spirit is pneuma which means “moving air:”


Dear Thornton, 

The question you ask me is - I am afraid - beyond my competence.

It is a question of fate in which you should not be influenced by any arbitrary outer influence.

As a rule I am all for walking in two worlds at once since we are gifted with two legs, remembering that spirit is pneuma which means “moving air.”

It is a wind that all too easily can lift you up from the solid earth and can carry you away on uncertain waves.

It is good therefore, as a rule, to keep at least one foot upon terra firma.

We are still in the body and thus under the rule of heavy matter.

Also it is equally true that matter not moved by the spirit is dead and empty.

Over against this general truth one has to be flexible enough to admit all sorts of exceptions, as they are the unavoidable accompaniments of all rules.

The spirit is no merit in itself and it has a peculiarly irrealizing effect if not counter-balanced by its material opposite.

Thus think again and if you feel enough solid ground under your feet, follow the call of the spirit.


The element that destroys Demon Veen (Van's and Ada's father) is air:


Numbers and rows and series — the nightmare and malediction harrowing pure thought and pure time — seemed bent on mechanizing his mind. Three elements, fire, water, and air, destroyed, in that sequence, Marina, Lucette, and Demon. Terra waited. (3.1)


1 week 2 days ago

"And in the same sense O’Neill’s Mourning Becomes Electra (for what that is worth) is, I suppose, a tragedy. (2.5)"

Thank you, Alexey, for this reference. I was thinking about bringing in O'Neil's ELECTRA, but wondered if it would be taking the allusion too far. This is excellent, demonstrating VN's thoughts about tragedy. He seems to be dismissing ELECTRA, but 

From Wikipedia:

Although fate alone guides characters' actions in Greek tragedies, O'Neill's characters also have motivations grounded in 1930s-era psychological theory. The play can easily be read from a Freudian perspective, paying attention to various characters' Oedipus complexes and Electra complexes.

[Jung is not given credit here for "Electra complex"!]

I had wanted to bring this up for the psychological aspect, but also because O'Neil's play brings to light something not overt in Aeschylus: Orin (Orestes/Van) is not the son of Ezra (Agamemnon/Dan), but of Adam Brandt (Aegisthus/Demon). Like Agamemnon (who, after all, has been fighting in Troy for 20 years) comes home to a grown son,  Dan is away when Van is conceived. O'Neill seems to have got that situation right. 


I seem to be flowing with "synchronicity" –  here is a quote from Jung I just found today, not even looking for it:

"The curse of the House of Atreus is no empty phrase."

C.G. Jung, intro to Francis G. Wickes, The Inner World of the Child, Page xvii-xxii


Yesterday I discovered this, from a summary of the ORESTEIA:


Aeschylus is credited by historians and philosophers such as Aristotle as being the father of tragedy, codifying many aspects of the genre seen in later plays by Sophocles and Euripides, the only other ancient Greek tragedians whose work remains intact. 




1 week 2 days ago

Also, Alexey, I appreciated the quote from Jung about keeping one foot on the earth.

Like many Jung quotes, it seems an idea that Nabokov also expresses; the Icarus and the hubris ideas of becoming "ungrounded" by aspiring higher than one is capable of. Something I think both men had experiences with.

Officially, Daniel Veen (Marina's husband) is Ada's father, and Aqua (Demon's wife, Marina's poor mad twin sister) is officially Van's mother. Demon finds out about his children's affair by chance, because of Uncle Dan's odd Boschean death. This proves fatal for Demon (who twelve years later perishes in a mysterious airplane disaster above the Pacific). It seems that Demon became a victim of Ada's revenge. As a Greek tragedy made modern, O'Neill's Morning Becomes Electra features murder, adultery, incestuous love, and revenge, as well as a group of townspeople who function as a kind of Greek chorus.


When Ada refuses to leave her sick husband, Van calls her ‘Helen of Troy, Ada of Ardis:"


‘Castle True, Castle Bright!’ he now cried, ‘Helen of Troy, Ada of Ardis! You have betrayed the Tree and the Moth!’ (3.8)


1 week 2 days ago

The correlation of ADA's characters to the ORESTEIA seems not exact. I am not versed enough in either at this point to figure it out. The main characters are clear:

Marina = Clytemnestra (ambitious, hateful)

Demon = Aegisthus (rival of Agamemnon, responsible for initiating the curse of the house of Atreus, father of Agamemnon. 

Dan = Agamemnon (cuckolded and killed by Clytemnestra and Aegisthus)

Van =Orestes (goes on long exile after helping Electra kill Clytemnestra - their mother – and Aegisthus, his father;  kills himself over his love for Electra.)

Ada = Electra (incites Orestes to kill Clytemnestra & Aegisthus. 


Less easy to place:

Lucette = also Electra or perhaps Iphegenia? (Agamemnon had 3 daughters and one son; Iphegenia was sacrificed.)

Aqua = Cassandra?

Mlle LaRiviere? Blanche? Kim? Vinelander, etc.?


Fun Fact:

The extant Oresteia is in three plays, originally performed at the Dionysian festivals. There was a 4th play, "Proteus" traditionally following the trilogy – a "satyr play." Here is a Wikipedia description:

The remarkable feature of the satyr play is the chorus of satyrs, with their costumes that focus on the phallus, and with their language, which uses wordplay, sexual innuendos, references to breasts, farting, erections, and other references that do not occur in tragedy. As Mark Griffith points out, the satyr play was "not merely a deeply traditional Dionysiac ritual, but also generally accepted as the most appropriate and satisfying conclusion to the city’s most complex and prestigious cultural event of the year.

Sounds very Nabokovian.





I would not seek out direct parallels between Ada and any ancient or modern play. Describing the beginning of Demon's affair with Marina, Van mentions an invisible sign of Dionysian origin:


Marina’s affair with Demon Veen started on his, her, and Daniel Veen’s birthday, January 5, 1868, when she was twenty-four and both Veens thirty.

As an actress, she had none of the breath-taking quality that makes the skill of mimicry seem, at least while the show lasts, worth even more than the price of such footlights as insomnia, fancy, arrogant art; yet on that particular night, with soft snow falling beyond the plush and the paint, la Durmanska (who paid the great Scott, her impresario, seven thousand gold dollars a week for publicity alone, plus a bonny bonus for every engagement) had been from the start of the trashy ephemeron (an American play based by some pretentious hack on a famous Russian romance) so dreamy, so lovely, so stirring that Demon (not quite a gentleman in amorous matters) made a bet with his orchestra-seat neighbor, Prince N., bribed a series of green-room attendants, and then, in a cabinet reculé (as a French writer of an earlier century might have mysteriously called that little room in which the broken trumpet and poodle hoops of a forgotten clown, besides many dusty pots of colored grease, happened to be stored) proceeded to possess her between two scenes (Chapter Three and Four of the martyred novel). In the first of these she had undressed in graceful silhouette behind a semitransparent screen, reappeared in a flimsy and fetching nightgown, and spent the rest of the wretched scene discussing a local squire, Baron d’O., with an old nurse in Eskimo boots. Upon the infinitely wise countrywoman’s suggestion, she goose-penned from the edge of her bed, on a side table with cabriole legs, a love letter and took five minutes to reread it in a languorous but loud voice for no body’s benefit in particular since the nurse sat dozing on a kind of sea chest, and the spectators were mainly concerned with the artificial moonlight’s blaze upon the lovelorn young lady’s bare arms and heaving breasts.

Even before the old Eskimo had shuffled off with the message, Demon Veen had left his pink velvet chair and proceeded to win the wager, the success of his enterprise being assured by the fact that Marina, a kissing virgin, had been in love with him since their last dance on New Year’s Eve. Moreover, the tropical moonlight she had just bathed in, the penetrative sense of her own beauty, the ardent pulses of the imagined maiden, and the gallant applause of an almost full house made her especially vulnerable to the tickle of Demon’s moustache. She had ample time, too, to change for the next scene, which started with a longish intermezzo staged by a ballet company whose services Scotty had engaged, bringing the Russians all the way in two sleeping cars from Belokonsk, Western Estoty. In a splendid orchard several merry young gardeners wearing for some reason the garb of Georgian tribesmen were popping raspberries into their mouths, while several equally implausible servant girls in sharovars (somebody had goofed — the word ‘samovars’ may have got garbled in the agent’s aerocable) were busy plucking marshmallows and peanuts from the branches of fruit trees. At an invisible sign of Dionysian origin, they all plunged into the violent dance called kurva or ‘ribbon boule’ in the hilarious program whose howlers almost caused Veen (tingling, and light-loined, and with Prince N.’s rose-red banknote in his pocket) to fall from his seat.

His heart missed a beat and never regretted the lovely loss, as she ran, flushed and flustered, in a pink dress into the orchard, earning a claque third of the sitting ovation that greeted the instant dispersal of the imbecile but colorful transfigurants from Lyaska — or Iveria. Her meeting with Baron O., who strolled out of a side alley, all spurs and green tails, somehow eluded Demon’s consciousness, so struck was he by the wonder of that brief abyss of absolute reality between two bogus fulgurations of fabricated life. Without waiting for the end of the scene, he hurried out of the theater into the crisp crystal night, the snowflakes star-spangling his top hat as he returned to his house in the next block to arrange a magnificent supper. By the time he went to fetch his new mistress in his jingling sleigh, the last-act ballet of Caucasian generals and metamorphosed Cinderellas had come to a sudden close, and Baron d’O., now in black tails and white gloves, was kneeling in the middle of an empty stage, holding the glass slipper that his fickle lady had left him when eluding his belated advances. The claqueurs were getting tired and looking at their watches when Marina in a black cloak slipped into Demon’s arms and swan-sleigh. (1.2)


Darkbloom (‘Notes to Ada’): Raspberries; ribbon: allusions to ludicrous blunders in Lowell’s versions of Mandelshtam’s poems (in the N.Y. Review, 23 December 1965).

Belokonsk: the Russian twin of ‘Whitehorse’ (city in N.W. Canada).


In his Oda Betkhovenu (Ode to Beethoven, 1914) Mandelshtam compares Beethoven to Dionysus:


О Дионис, как муж, наивный
И благодарный, как дитя!
Ты перенёс свой жребий дивный
То негодуя, то шутя!
С каким глухим негодованьем
Ты собирал с князей оброк
Или с рассеянным вниманьем
На фортепьянный шёл урок!

Oh Dionysus, naïve, like a man
and grateful, like a child!
You endured your marvelous lot,
now indignant, now joking!
With what deaf anger
you took quit-rent from Princes
or walked absent-mindedly
to a piano lesson!


In his Oda Stalinu (Ode to Stalin, 1937) Mandelshtam mentions Aeschylus (as the author of Prometheus Bound):


Когда б я уголь взял для высшей похвалы —
Для радости рисунка непреложной, —
Я б воздух расчертил на хитрые углы
И осторожно и тревожно.
Чтоб настоящее в чертах отозвалось,
В искусстве с дерзостью гранича,
Я б рассказал о том, кто сдвинул мира ось,
Ста сорока народов чтя обычай.
Я б поднял брови малый уголок
И поднял вновь и разрешил иначе:
Знать, Прометей раздул свой уголек, —
Гляди, Эсхил, как я, рисуя, плачу!


Prometheus is a Titan who gave fire to mankind (Prometheus Unbound is a four-act lyrical drama by P. B. Shelley). The element that destroys Marina (Van's, Ada's and Lucette's mother) is fire:


 Numbers and rows and series — the nightmare and malediction harrowing pure thought and pure time — seemed bent on mechanizing his mind. Three elements, fire, water, and air, destroyed, in that sequence, Marina, Lucette, and Demon. Terra waited.

For seven years, after she had dismissed her life with her husband, a successfully achieved corpse, as irrelevant, and retired to her still dazzling, still magically well-staffed Côte d’Azur villa (the one Demon had once given her), Van’s mother had been suffering from various ‘obscure’ illnesses, which everybody thought she made up, or talentedly simulated, and which she contended could be, and partly were, cured by willpower. Van visited her less often than dutiful Lucette, whom he glimpsed there on two or three occasions; and once, in 1899, he saw, as he entered the arbutus-and-laurel garden of Villa Armina, a bearded old priest of the Greek persuasion, clad in neutral black, leaving on a motor bicycle for his Nice parish near the tennis courts. Marina spoke to Van about religion, and Terra, and the Theater, but never about Ada, and just as he did not suspect she knew everything about the horror and ardor of Ardis, none suspected what pain in her bleeding bowels she was trying to allay by incantations, and ‘self-focusing’ or its opposite device, ‘self-dissolving.’ She confessed with an enigmatic and rather smug smile that much as she liked the rhythmic blue puffs of incense, and the dyakon’s rich growl on the ambon, and the oily-brown ikon coped in protective filigree to receive the worshipper’s kiss, her soul remained irrevocably consecrated, naperekor (in spite of) Dasha Vinelander, to the ultimate wisdom of Hinduism.

Early in 1900, a few days before he saw Marina, for the last time, at the clinic in Nice (where he learned for the first time the name of her illness), Van had a ‘verbal’ nightmare, caused, maybe, by the musky smell in the Miramas (Bouches Rouges-du-Rhône) Villa Venus. Two formless fat transparent creatures were engaged in some discussion, one repeating ‘I can’t!’ (meaning ‘can’t die’ — a difficult procedure to carry out voluntarily, without the help of the dagger, the ball, or the bowl), and the other affirming ‘You can, sir!’ She died a fortnight later, and her body was burnt, according to her instructions.

Van, a lucid soul, considered himself less brave morally than physically. He was always (meaning well into the nineteen-sixties) to recollect with reluctance, as if wishing to suppress in his mind a petty, timorous, and stupid deed (for, actually, who knows, the later antlers might have been set right then, with green lamps greening green growths before the hotel where the Vinelanders stayed) his reacting from Kingston to Lucette’s cable from Nice (‘Mother died this morning the funeral dash cremation dash is to be held after tomorrow at sundown’) with the request to advise him (‘please advise’) who else would be there, and upon getting her prompt reply that Demon had already arrived with Andrey and Ada, his cabling back: ‘Désolé de ne pouvoir être avec vous.’ (3.1)


Darkbloom ('Notes to Ada'): dyakon: deacon.

désolé etc.: distressed at being unable to be with you.


Adelaide de Miramas, ou le Fanatisme protestan is a lost historical work by Marquis de Sade. According to Van, he and Ada loathed le sieur Sade and Herr Masoch and Heinrich Müller:


Paradoxically, ‘scient’ Ada was bored by big learned works with woodcuts of organs, pictures of dismal medieval whore-houses, and photographs of this or that little Caesar in the process of being ripped out of the uterus as performed by butchers and masked surgeons in ancient and modem times; whereas Van, who disliked ‘natural history’ and fanatically denounced the existence of physical pain in all worlds, was infinitely fascinated by descriptions and depictions of harrowed human flesh. Otherwise, in more flowery fields, their tastes and titters proved to be much the same. They liked Rabelais and Casanova; they loathed le sieur Sade and Herr Masoch and Heinrich Müller. English and French pornographic poetry, though now and then witty and instructive, sickened them in the long run, and its tendency, especially in France before the invasion, of having monks and nuns perform sexual feats seemed to them as incomprehensible as it was depressing. (1.21)


Darkbloom ('Notes to Ada'): Heinrich Müller: author of Poxus, etc.


The central female character in Leopold von Sacher Masoch's novella Venus in Furs (1870), Wanda von Dunajew is a namesake of Vanda Broom (Ada's lesbian schoolmate at Brownhill College). The girlfriend of a girlfriend who shot poor Vanda dead, on a starry night, in Ragusa of all places, seems to be Ada herself. Severin von Kusiemski (who is infatuated with Wanda von Dunajew and asks to be her slave) brings to mind the Severn Tories (Severnïya Territorii):


‘All happy families are more or less dissimilar; all unhappy ones are more or less alike,’ says a great Russian writer in the beginning of a famous novel (Anna Arkadievitch Karenina, transfigured into English by R.G. Stonelower, Mount Tabor Ltd., 1880). That pronouncement has little if any relation to the story to be unfolded now, a family chronicle, the first part of which is, perhaps, closer to another Tolstoy work, Detstvo i Otrochestvo (Childhood and Fatherland, Pontius Press, 1858).

Van’s maternal grandmother Daria (‘Dolly’) Durmanov was the daughter of Prince Peter Zemski, Governor of Bras d’Or, an American province in the Northeast of our great and variegated country, who had married, in 1824, Mary O’Reilly, an Irish woman of fashion. Dolly, an only child, born in Bras, married in 1840, at the tender and wayward age of fifteen, General Ivan Durmanov, Commander of Yukon Fortress and peaceful country gentleman, with lands in the Severn Tories (Severnïya Territorii), that tesselated protectorate still lovingly called ‘Russian’ Estoty, which commingles, granoblastically and organically, with ‘Russian’ Canady, otherwise ‘French’ Estoty, where not only French, but Macedonian and Bavarian settlers enjoy a halcyon climate under our Stars and Stripes.

The Durmanovs’ favorite domain, however, was Raduga near the burg of that name, beyond Estotiland proper, in the Atlantic panel of the continent between elegant Kaluga, New Cheshire, U.S.A., and no less elegant Ladoga, Mayne, where they had their town house and where their three children were born: a son, who died young and famous, and a pair of difficult female twins. Dolly had inherited her mother's beauty and temper but also an older ancestral strain of whimsical, and not seldom deplorable, taste, well reflected, for instance, in the names she gave her daughters: Aqua and Marina ('Why not Tofana?' wondered the good and sur-royally antlered general with a controlled belly laugh, followed by a small closing cough of feigned detachment - he dreaded his wife's flares). (1.1)


Darkbloom ('Notes to Ada'): All happy families etc: mistranslations of Russian classics are ridiculed here. The opening sentence of Tolstoy’s novel is turned inside out and Anna Arkadievna’s patronymic given an absurd masculine ending, while an incorrect feminine one is added to her surname. ‘Mount Tabor’ and ‘Pontius’ allude to the transfigurations (Mr G. Steiner’s term, I believe) and betrayals to which great texts are subjected by pretentious and ignorant versionists.

Severnïya Territorii: Northern Territories. Here and elsewhere transliteration is based on the old Russian orthography.

granoblastically: in a tesselar (mosaic) jumble.

Tofana: allusion to ‘aqua tofana’ (see any good dictionary).

sur-royally: fully antlered, with terminal prongs.


The author of Poxus, Heinrich Müller is the Antiterran counterpart of Henry Miller (1891-1980), an American writer whose trilogy The Rosy Crucifixion consists of Sexus (1949), Plexus (1953) and Nexus (1959). Henry Miller is the author of Tropic of Cancer (1934) and Tropic of Capricorn (1939). Van's, Ada's and Lucette's mother Marina dies of cancer. After the dinner in ‘Ursus’ and debauch à trois with Lucette (Van's and Ada's half-sister) in Van's Manhattan flat Ada tells Van that in France ninety percent of cats (whores) die of cancer:


‘She’s terribly nervous, the poor kid,’ remarked Ada stretching across Van toward the Wipex. ‘You can order that breakfast now — unless... Oh, what a good sight! Orchids. I’ve never seen a man make such a speedy recovery.’

‘Hundreds of whores and scores of cuties more experienced than the future Mrs Vinelander have told me that.’

‘I may not be as bright as I used to be,’ sadly said Ada, ‘but I know somebody who is not simply a cat, but a polecat, and that’s Cordula Tobacco alias Madame Perwitsky, I read in this morning’s paper that in France ninety percent of cats die of cancer. I don’t know what the situation is in Poland.’ (2.8)


Describing Kim Beauharnais' album, Van mentions Cat (a novel):


But what about the rare radiance on those adored lips? Bright derision can easily grade, through a cline of glee, into a look of rapture:

‘Do you know, Van, what book lay there — next to Marina’s hand mirror and a pair of tweezers? I’ll tell you. One of the most tawdry and réjouissants novels that ever "made" the front page of the Manhattan Times’ Book Review. I’m sure your Cordula still had it in her cosy corner where you sat temple to temple after you jilted me.’

‘Cat,’ said Van.

‘Oh, much worse. Old Beckstein’s Tabby was a masterpiece in comparison to this — this Love under the Lindens by one Eelmann transported into English by Thomas Gladstone, who seems to belong to a firm of Packers & Porters, because on the page which Adochka, adova dochka (Hell’s daughter) happens to be relishing here, "automobile" is rendered as "wagon." And to think, to think, that little Lucette had to study Eelmann, and three terrible Toms in her Literature course at Los!’

‘You remember that trash but I remember our nonstop three-hour kiss Under the Larches immediately afterwards.’

‘See next illustration,’ said Ada grimly.

‘The scoundrel!’ cried Van; ‘He must have been creeping after us on his belly with his entire apparatus. I will have to destroy him.’

‘No more destruction, Van. Only love.’

‘But look, girl, here I’m glutting your tongue, and there I’m glued to your epiglottis, and —’

‘Intermission,’ begged Ada, ‘quick-quick.’

‘I’m ready to oblige till I’m ninety,’ said Van (the vulgarity of the peep show was catchy), ‘ninety times a month, roughly.’

‘Make it even more roughly, oh much more, say a hundred and fifty, that would mean, that would mean —’

But, in the sudden storm, calculations went to the canicular devils. (2.7)


Darkbloom (‘Notes to Ada’): réjouissants: hilarious.

Beckstein: transposed syllables.

Love under the Lindens: O’Neil, Thomas Mann, and his translator tangle in this paragraph.


Old Beckstein seems to hint at John Steinbeck, the author of The Grapes of Wrath (1939). "The wrath sing, goddess, of Peleus' son, Achilles, that destructive wrath which brought countless woes upon the Achaeans, and sent forth to Hades many valiant souls of heroes, and made them themselves spoil for dogs and every bird; thus the plan of Zeus came to fulfillment, from the time when first they parted in strife Atreus' son, king of men, and brilliant Achilles." (Homer, Iliad)


Describing the picnic on Ada's twelfth birthday (when he walks on his hands for the first time), Van mentions some archetypal character of his ‘undersoul’ (a joke at Jung's expense):


Two years earlier, when about to begin his first prison term at the fashionable and brutal boarding school, to which other Veens had gone before him (as far back as the days ‘when Washingtonias were Wellingtonias’), Van had resolved to study some striking stunt that would give him an immediate and brilliant ascendancy. Accordingly, after a conference with Demon, King Wing, the latter’s wrestling master, taught the strong lad to walk on his hands by means of a special play of the shoulder muscles, a trick that necessitated for its acquirement and improvement nothing short of a dislocation of the caryatics.

What pleasure (thus in the MS.). The pleasure of suddenly discovering the right knack of topsy turvy locomotion was rather like learning to man, after many a painful and ignominious fall, those delightful gliders called Magicarpets (or ‘jikkers’) that were given a boy on his twelfth birthday in the adventurous days before the Great Reaction — and then what a breathtaking long neural caress when one became airborne for the first time and managed to skim over a haystack, a tree, a burn, a barn, while Grandfather Dedalus Veen, running with upturned face, flourished a flag and fell into the horsepond.

Van peeled off his polo shirt and took off his shoes and socks. The slenderness of his torso, matching in tint if not in texture, the tan of his tight shorts, contrasted with the handsome boy’s abnormally developed deltoids and sinewy forearms. Four years later Van could stun a man with one blow of either elbow.

His reversed body gracefully curved, his brown legs hoisted like a Tarentine sail, his joined ankles tacking, Van gripped with splayed hands the brow of gravity, and moved to and fro, veering and sidestepping, opening his mouth the wrong way, and blinking in the odd bilboquet fashion peculiar to eyelids in his abnormal position. Even more extraordinary than the variety and velocity of the movements he made in imitation of animal hind legs was the effortlessness of his stance; King Wing warned him that Vekchelo, a Yukon professional, lost it by the time he was twenty-two; but that summer afternoon, on the silky ground of the pineglade, in the magical heart of Ardis, under Lady Erminin’s blue eye, fourteen-year-old Van treated us to the greatest performance we have ever seen a brachiambulant give. Not the faintest flush showed on his face or neck! Now and then, when he detached his organs of locomotion from the lenient ground, and seemed actually to clap his hands in midair, in a miraculous parody of a ballet jump, one wondered if this dreamy indolence of levitation was not a result of the earth’s canceling its pull in a fit of absentminded benevolence. Incidentally, one curious consequence of certain muscular changes and osteal ‘reclicks’ caused by the special training with which Wing had racked him was Van’s inability in later years to shrug his shoulders.

Questions for study and discussion:

1. Did both palms leave the ground when Van, while reversed, seemed actually to ‘skip’ on his hands?

2. Was Van’s adult incapacity to ‘shrug’ things off only physical or did it ‘correspond’ to some archetypal character of his ‘undersoul’?

3. Why did Ada burst into tears at the height of Van’s performance? (1.13)


Andrey Vinelander (Ada's husband) calls Demon Veen (the son of Dedalus Veen and Irina Garin) Dementiy Labirintovich:


‘My upper-lip space feels indecently naked.’ (He had shaved his mustache off with howls of pain in her presence). ‘And I cannot keep sucking in my belly all the time.’

‘Oh, I like you better with that nice overweight — there’s more of you. It’s the maternal gene, I suppose, because Demon grew leaner and leaner. He looked positively Quixotic when I saw him at Mother’s funeral. It was all very strange. He wore blue mourning. D’Onsky’s son, a person with only one arm, threw his remaining one around Demon and both wept comme des fontaines. Then a robed person who looked like an extra in a technicolor incarnation of Vishnu made an incomprehensible sermon. Then she went up in smoke. He said to me, sobbing: "I will not cheat the poor grubs!" Practically a couple of hours after he broke that promise we had sudden visitors at the ranch — an incredibly graceful moppet of eight, black-veiled, and a kind of duenna, also in black, with two bodyguards. The hag demanded certain fantastic sums — which Demon, she said, had not had time to pay, for "popping the hymen" — whereupon I had one of our strongest boys throw out vsyu (the entire) kompaniyu.’

‘Extraordinary,’ said Van, ‘they had been growing younger and younger — I mean the girls, not the strong silent boys. His old Rosalind had a ten-year-old niece, a primed chickabiddy. Soon he would have been poaching them from the hatching chamber.’

‘You never loved your father,’ said Ada sadly.

‘Oh, I did and do — tenderly, reverently, understandingly, because, after all, that minor poetry of the flesh is something not unfamiliar to me. But as far as we are concerned, I mean you and I, he was buried on the same day as our uncle Dan.’

‘I know, I know. It’s pitiful! And what use was it? Perhaps I oughtn’t to tell you, but his visits to Agavia kept getting rarer and shorter every year. Yes, it was pitiful to hear him and Andrey talking. I mean, Andrey n’a pas le verbe facile, though he greatly appreciated — without quite understanding it — Demon’s wild flow of fancy and fantastic fact, and would often exclaim, with his Russian "tssk-tssk" and a shake of the head — complimentary and all that — "what a balagur (wag) you are!" — And then, one day, Demon warned me that he would not come any more if he heard again poor Andrey’s poor joke (Nu i balagur-zhe vï, Dementiy Labirintovich) or what Dorothy, l’impayable ("priceless for impudence and absurdity") Dorothy, thought of my camping out in the mountains with only Mayo, a cowhand, to protect me from lions.’

‘Could one hear more about that?’ asked Van.

‘Well, nobody did. All this happened at a time when I was not on speaking terms with my husband and sister-in-law, and so could not control the situation. Anyhow, Demon did not come even when he was only two hundred miles away and simply mailed instead, from some gaming house, your lovely, lovely letter about Lucette and my picture.’

‘One would also like to know some details of the actual coverture — frequence of intercourse, pet names for secret warts, favorite smells —’

‘Platok momental’no (handkerchief quick)! Your right nostril is full of damp jade,’ said Ada, and then pointed to a lawnside circular sign, rimmed with red, saying: Chiens interdits and depicting an impossible black mongrel with a white ribbon around its neck: Why, she wondered, should the Swiss magistrates forbid one to cross highland terriers with poodles? (3.8)


Darkbloom (‘Notes to Ada’): comme etc.: shedding floods of tears.

N’a pas le verbe etc.: lacks the gift of the gab.

chiens etc.: dogs not allowed.


The name of Demon's mother, Irina Garin brings to mind Alexey Tolstoy's science fiction novel The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin (also known as The Garin Death Ray, 1927).


1 week 1 day ago

I would not expect ADA to be a direct corollary to the ORESTEIA. Interesting to find  possible allusions though, such as "Dionysian origins."

For the rest, Alexey, it would have been enough to stop there. I am sorry to say, again, that you go too far afield from the subject of this post. 

Poets have been forever referencing the Classics, so unless you find the howlers in Lowen's translations of Mandelstram, the poems you mention don't appertain much to ADA.

No need to copy such lengthy passages from the book. Please be more concise. Thanks.

You mean, "Lowden's translations?" See below (one last lengthy passage from Ada):


After she too had finished breakfasting, he waylaid her, gorged with sweet butter, on the landing. They had one moment to plan things, it was all, historically speaking, at the dawn of the novel which was still in the hands of parsonage ladies and French academicians, so such moments were precious. She stood scratching one raised knee. They agreed to go for a walk before lunch and find a secluded place. She had to finish a translation for Mlle Larivière. She showed him her draft. François Coppée? Yes. 

Their fall is gentle. The woodchopper

Can tell, before they reach the mud,

The oak tree by its leaf of copper,

The maple by its leaf of blood. 

‘Leur chute est lente,’ said Van, ‘on peut les suivre du regard en reconnaissant — that paraphrastic touch of "chopper" and "mud" is, of course, pure Lowden (minor poet and translator, 1815-1895). Betraying the first half of the stanza to save the second is rather like that Russian nobleman who chucked his coachman to the wolves, and then fell out of his sleigh.’

‘I think you are very cruel and stupid,’ said Ada. ‘This is not meant to be a work of art or a brilliant parody. It is the ransom exacted by a demented governess from a poor overworked schoolgirl. Wait for me in the Baguenaudier Bower,’ she added. ‘I’ll be down in exactly sixty-three minutes.’

Her hands were cold, her neck was hot; the postman’s boy had rung the doorbell; Bout, a young footman, the butler’s bastard, crossed the resonant flags of the hall.

On Sunday mornings the mail came late, because of the voluminous Sunday supplements of the papers from Balticomore, and Kaluga, and Luga, which Robin Sherwood, the old postman, in his bright green uniform, distributed on horseback throughout the somnolent countryside. As Van, humming his school song — the only tune he could ever carry — skipped down the terrace steps, he saw Robin on his old bay holding the livelier black stallion of his Sunday helper, a handsome English lad whom, it was rumored behind the rose hedges, the old man loved more vigorously than his office required.

Van reached the third lawn, and the bower, and carefully inspected the stage prepared for the scene, ‘like a provincial come an hour too early to the opera after jogging all day along harvest roads with poppies and bluets catching and twinkle-twining in the wheels of his buggy’ (Floeberg’s Ursula). (1.20)


Darkbloom (‘Notes to Ada’): leur chute etc.: their fall is slow... one can follow them with one’s eyes, recognizing —

Lowden: a portmanteau name combining two contemporary bards.

baguenaudier: French name of bladder senna.

Floeberg: Flaubert’s style is mimicked in this pseudo quotation.


1 week ago

Yes, my bad – too lazy to go back a page and check. I actually had Lowell on my mind. Anyway, here is what B.Boyd, Ada Online, says about "Lowden":


The coupling of Lowell and Auden as “Lowden” probably derives from Lowell’s introduction of “Six Poems by Andrei Voznesensky,” the first of which (“The Party”: “Vecherinka”) is translated by Auden, in the New Republic , April 16, 1966, pp. 28-29. In his introduction Lowell cites Auden on Voznesensky (“I am struck first and foremost by his craftsmanship. . . ”).

Note that Van glosses Lowden’s dates as 1815-1895, yet is supposed to be saying this to Ada in 1884!

Neither man ever translated Coppee.

Remember, this all goes back to: 

Darkbloom (‘Notes to Ada’): Raspberries; ribbon: allusions to ludicrous blunders in Lowell’s versions of Mandelshtam’s poems (in the N.Y. Review, 23 December 1965).


At an invisible sign of Dionysian origin, they all plunged into the violent dance called kurva or ‘ribbon boule’


Dionysian festivals contained ecstatic dancing. Now, if Lowell did translate and mangle Mandelshtam's poem that mentions "Dionysius," that would tie it more directly back to ADA. And if M's poem was about some oft-referenced personage in ADA, rather than Beethoven, or if he referenced the Dionysian dance, then the track could be traced back with more conviction.


Peace out. I need to do some more research on ADA before I say more. Maybe Beethoven is referenced...

Notice Rack (Lucette's music teacher who was poisoned by his jealous wife and dies in Ward Five of the Kalugano hospital). In P. B. Shelley’s tragedy The Cenci (1819) Beatrice several times repeats the word “rack:”

Brother, lie down with me upon the rack,

And let us each be silent as a corpse;

It soon will be as soft as any grave.

'Tis but the falsehood it can wring from fear

Makes the rack cruel. (Act Five, scene III)

Shelley is the author of Prometheus Unbound (1820), a lyrical drama. Prometheus Bound is a tragedy by Aeschylus. The Creatures of Prometheus Op. 43, is a ballet composed in 1801 by Ludwig van Beethoven following the libretto of Salvatore Viganò (it is the only full length ballet by Beethoven). In a conversation with with Bettina Brentano (a friend and correspondent of J. W. von Goethe) Beethoven said: "Music is the electric soil in which the spirit thinks, lives and invents. All that’s electrical stimulates the mind to flowing surging musical creation. I am electrical by nature." After the L disaster in the beau milieu of the 19th century electricity was banned on Demonia.

"We do not know what it is that grants us knowledge. The grain of seed, tightly sealed as it is, needs the damp, electric warm soil in order to sprout, to think, to express itself. Music is the electric soil in which the spirit thinks, lives and invents. Philosophy is a striking of music's electric spirit; its indigence, which desires to found everything upon a single principle, is relieved by music. Although the spirit has not power over that which it creates through music, it is yet joyful in the act of creation. Thus every genuine product of art is independent, more powerful than the artist himself, and returns to the divine when achieved, connected with men only in as much as it bears witness to the divine of which they are the medium. Music relates the spirit to harmony. An isolated thought yet feels related to all things that are of the mind: likewise every thought in music is intimately, indivisibly related to the whole of harmony, which is oneness. All that is electrical stimulates the mind to flowing, surging, musical creation. I am electrical by nature." (Wilfred Mellers, Beethoven and the Voice of God, pp. 25-26) 

The rub is Mellers' book came out in 1983 (fourteen years after Ada). Perhaps, Mellers quotes someone else (for instance, Anton Schindler, 1795-1864, Beethoven's Austrian biographer, or Alexander Wheelock Thayer, 1817-97, an American librarian and journalist who became the author of the first scholarly biography of Ludwig van Beethoven)?

There is a connection in Ada between music and outlawed electrical gadgets:

Poor Aqua, whose fancies were apt to fall for all the fangles of cranks and Christians, envisaged vividly a minor hymnist’s paradise, a future America of alabaster buildings one hundred stories high, resembling a beautiful furniture store crammed with tall white-washed wardrobes and shorter fridges; she saw giant flying sharks with lateral eyes taking barely one night to carry pilgrims through black ether across an entire continent from dark to shining sea, before booming back to Seattle or Wark. She heard magic-music boxes talking and singing, drowning the terror of thought, uplifting the lift girl, riding down with the miner, praising beauty and godliness, the Virgin and Venus in the dwellings of the lonely and the poor. The unmentionable magnetic power denounced by evil lawmakers in this our shabby country — oh, everywhere, in Estoty and Canady, in ‘German’ Mark Kennensie, as well as in ‘Swedish’ Manitobogan, in the workshop of the red-shirted Yukonets as well as in the kitchen of the red-kerchiefed Lyaskanka, and in ‘French’ Estoty, from Bras d’Or to Ladore — and very soon throughout both our Americas, and all over the other stunned continents — was used on Terra as freely as water and air, as bibles and brooms. Two or three centuries earlier she might have been just another consumable witch. (1.3)

Darkbloom ('Notes to Ada'): Yukonets: inhabitant of Yukon (Russ.).

Van regretted that because Lettrocalamity (Vanvitelli’s old joke!) was banned allover the world, its very name having become a ‘dirty word’ among upper-upper-class families (in the British and Brazilian sense) to which the Veens and Durmanovs happened to belong, and had been replaced by elaborate surrogates only in those very important ‘utilities’ — telephones, motors — what else? — well a number of gadgets for which plain folks hanker with lolling tongues, breathing faster than gundogs (for it’s quite a long sentence), such trifles as tape recorders, the favorite toys of his and Ada’s grandsires (Prince Zemski had one for every bed of his harem of schoolgirls) were not manufactured any more, except in Tartary where they had evolved ‘minirechi’ (‘talking minarets’) of a secret make. Had our erudite lovers been allowed by common propriety and common law to knock into working order the mysterious box they had once discovered in their magic attic, they might have recorded (so as to replay, eight decades later) Giorgio Vanvitelli’s arias as well as Van Veen’s conversations with his sweetheart. Here, for example, is what they might have heard today — with amusement, embarrassment, sorrow, wonder. (1.24)

Darkbloom ('Notes to Ada'): Lettrocalamity: a play on Ital. elettrocalamita, electromagnet.

Van, in whom the pink-blooming chestnuts of Chose always induced an amorous mood, decided to squander the sudden bounty of time before his voyage to America on a twenty-four-hour course of treatment at the most fashionable and efficient of all the Venus Villas in Europe; but during the longish trip in the ancient, plushy, faintly perfumed (musk? Turkish tobacco?) limousine which he usually got from the Albania, his London hotel, for travels in England, other restless feelings joined, without dispelling it, his sullen lust. Rocking along softly, his slippered foot on a footrest, his arm in an armloop, he recalled his first railway journey to Ardis and tried — what he sometimes advised a patient doing in order to exercise the ‘muscles of consciousness’ — namely putting oneself back not merely into the frame of mind that had preceded a radical change in one’s life, but into a state of complete ignorance regarding that change. He knew it could not be done, that not the achievement, but the obstinate attempt was possible, because he would not have remembered the preface to Ada had not life turned the next page, causing now its radiant text to flash through all the tenses of the mind. He wondered if he would remember the present commonplace trip. An English late spring with literary associations lingered in the evening air. The built-in ‘canoreo’ (an old-fashioned musical gadget which a joint Anglo-American Commission had only recently unbanned) transmitted a heart-wounding Italian song. What was he? Who was he? Why was he? He thought of his slackness, clumsiness, dereliction of spirit. He thought of his loneliness, of its passions and dangers. He saw through the glass partition the fat, healthy, reliable folds of his driver’s neck. Idle images queued by — Edmund, Edmond, simple Cordula, fantastically intricate Lucette, and, by further mechanical association, a depraved little girl called Lisette, in Cannes, with breasts like lovely abscesses, whose frail favors were handled by a smelly big brother in an old bathing machine. (3.4)