Vladimir Nabokov


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By dana_dragunoiu, 11 July, 2020

As part of the recently concluded Nabokov Readings hosted by Pushkinskii Dom in St. Petersburg, Igor Kirienkov conducted an interview with Brian Boyd for Polka.

By dana_dragunoiu, 8 July, 2020

I am very sad to hear that Dieter has passed away. He was one of the first admirers and commentators of Nabokov, one of the most dedicated scholars on his works, his biography,  his butterflies, plus a rigorous translator.

By dana_dragunoiu, 7 July, 2020

Dieter Zimmer (1934-2020): noble, wise, driven by truth-seeking, mercilessly attentive to detail, an intellectual of the highest carat, a man of honour, a writer from God.