Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0019693, Wed, 24 Mar 2010 15:28:01 -0300

[NABOKOV-L] [Query] Edmund White
Granta collections acquainted me with a journalistic piece written by Edmund White. When I searched him in the internet I was informed that "Although White is known as a novelist whose work has been widely praised by such writers as Vladimir Nabokov and Susan Sontag, it is as a cultural critic that White has perhaps had his greatest influence. Urbane, knowing, sophisticated, he has chronicled gay life in the seventies through the nineties with wit and insight."( Cf.www.edmundwhite.com/ ) In fact, the great majority of E.White's works I found listed in sites, has been written from the late seventies on.
Can anyone inform me about what specific novels of E.White were appreciated by Nabokov?

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