Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0016263, Sun, 27 Apr 2008 18:24:00 -0400

SIGNS: Illustrations of the story's text
If you are participating in the discussion, check out this site, which uses a few stylized images, typography, and graphic design to illustrate the story's text in a visually effective way:


Also, the author of "The Saddest Blog in the World" explains why "Signs and Symbols" is her favorite story:

yet what i like most about nabakov and what holds me breathless each time is how unsparing he actually is, how he moves on with such supple grace, leaving behind only a hint of a memory-trace, the imprint of a cathexis of exigency hidden behind a mantel of absolute mastery and strength. he is not a sentimentalist. he loves his fate. (9/05/03)


:) SES

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