Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0014857, Fri, 9 Feb 2007 12:01:36 -0200

Fw: [NABOKV-L] SS: More on Conmal]
SS (off-list) asked JM: ...and what do you make of l-if-e-less tree?

JM: In this sentence, as you point out, the "e" suggests something taken away, "e-less", as you'd been arguing about the inclusion of Shade in the lines: "Poor Swift, poor...." But it may merely stress a wordplay with L'if and "life", peut-être...

The verses L’if, lifeless tree! Your great Maybe, Rabelais:/ The grand potato./ I.P.H., a lay... are in fact at the begining of Canto Three. And yet, when VN, in a short annotation to "Irregular Iambics", argued in favor of a scudded Russian "If" at the start of an iambic line, would he have had PF in mind, or vice versa? ( this is why I tried to check the dates for VN's commentaries on Poems and Problems).

SS notes to CK[ the worthy Zule ("chessrook") Bretwit, granduncle of Oswin Bretwit (q.v., q.v., as the crows say)...in what language "Zule" is the "chessrook"?] : Not in russian.

JM: The crowing emphatic invitations to "see, look" in "q.v. q.v" would they also serve as a reference to check under "crow crown corona" and variations?

Perusing the INDEX I found even more random questions. Led to the very begining of line 691 by non-ornithologist Kinbote, I saw the information that Baltimore's oriole is not an oriole and I was reminded of KQKn's rented car, an Oriole. I thought Dreyer's "oriole" would have to be blue and American, so I was wrong. The car was probably of an European make.

What kind of a black "car" is Sylvia O' Donnell's "mowntrop"? What is a "mascana fruit"? ( still on note to 691)

Why do we never discuss Charles Xavier's full surname? ( Vseslav)

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